Summary: 华盛顿时报第三页全版登刊要求国会立即释放MILES GUO 今日,华盛顿时报(The Washington Times) 第三页全版登刊,要求国会立刻释放Miles Guo,并且调查DOJ被CCP的渗透。 这份报纸是华盛顿各大政府机构均会订阅的报刊之一,美国时间今日(3月28日)一早,这份报纸就已经送达至国会山参众两院议员的办公桌上。同时,在报纸售卖处,以及华盛顿的地铁枢纽以及国会山周边的要道均可购买到此份报纸。 Disclaimer: This article is reproduced from other sites or created by individuals. Gnews assumes no liability for the genuineness and authenticity of the article, nor does the article represent the views and positions of Gnews. Should you have any copyright or other issues, please contact us to delete. Gnews 2023.03.28 |
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