![]() 原版语音⎢2021年9月15日直播:郭文贵先生,班农先生,纳瓦罗先生,杰森米勒先生联合与战友们连线⎢疫苗灾难 联合灭共⎢新中国联邦——唯一代表中国人民的合法政治权力 中文同声传译版本⎢2021年9月15日直播:郭文贵先生,班农先生,纳瓦罗先生,杰森米勒先生联合与战友们连线⎢疫苗灾难 联合灭共⎢新中国联邦——唯一代表中国人民的合法政治权力 郭文贵 2021.09.16 2021年9月15日郭文贵先生、班农先生、纳瓦罗先生和米勒先生直播全文字(中英文)版 温哥华扬帆农场七哥直播全文听写组 英文原版链接:https://gtv.org/video/id=6142a526751e4f2b0e53c474 同声翻译链接:https://gtv.org/video/id=61422dc2751e4f2b0e53617a ![]() 中文版
郭文贵先生:尊敬的战友们好,尊敬的战友们好!现在正在开始的是我们的915的大直播,现在在我旁边坐着的是我们中国人最应该感激的几个人都在这里了。我们的史蒂夫班农先生,是他让共产党闻风丧胆,是他开启了我们新中国联邦正式的宣言。同时大家也都知道我们坐在旁边的,当时在白宫的,也是最了解中国的彼得纳瓦罗先生。他让所有的中共闻风丧胆。提到彼得纳瓦罗的名字他们都害怕。然后旁边是我们盖特的CEO,也是在给川普总统工作的,我们的Jason Miller,盖特的CEO。 现在我们以热烈的掌声来欢迎这三位我们中国人的恩人。(鼓掌)来翻译一下吧,来。 我必须要说的事情,这个班农先生是新中国联邦的宣言人和创始人,他是有正式的我们新中国联邦的职务的,我们要终身感激的人。彼得纳瓦罗先生今天正式地成为了我们新中国联邦的大使,和我们的盖特的形象大使。未来全面地、全力地、全时间地来帮助盖特推倒推特,维护社交媒体的公平和正义。那么另外一个就是我们的CEO,Jason Miller先生,是我们整个盖特CEO。可以说这三位先生是我们中国人推倒CCP的希望,是我们中国人的恩人。 大家看到屏幕上,此时此刻滚动的字幕都是50个50个的IP(口误:VPN)进来,在刚才30分钟以前,我接到消息已经有四万多个IP(VPN)已经在国内发生了。也就是说现在大概有五千万大陆的同胞们正在看这场旷世的直播。接下来会有很多战友加入连线,有一些问题来请教我们这三位先生。接下来我把话筒会交下去,请战友们把连线给连进来,请大家首先问班农先生的问题和问彼得·纳瓦罗先生的问题和Jason Miller先生的问题。现在咱们开始感谢大家的参与,看这个屏幕上现在最起码得超过五千万的国内的观众在看着,谢谢。 请,现在请连线接进来吧。(对纳瓦罗说)你看这是在线人数, 每个VPN的背后可能是一百二十万或一百四十万。 班农先生:有那么大?是啊! 郭文贵先生: 是VPN,但你看这儿,这是很大很大的数字,大日子。OK, 这是来自……介绍一下,请各位介绍一下自己,Rachel,娜娜酱,还Eric,来介绍一下自己啊。 娜娜酱:嗨,班农先生、纳瓦罗先生和Miller先生,我是娜娜酱,很高兴在这里见到你们。 班农先生:嗨。 纳瓦罗先生:很高兴见到你。 Miller先生: 谢谢。 莘七女孩: 大家好,我是Rachel。很荣幸和你们在这里直播。你们都是好我的英雄,很期待这次的交流。谢谢。非常感谢。 班农先生:谢谢,谢谢加入我们的直播。 Eric: 嗨,班农先生、纳瓦罗先生、Miller先生还有郭文贵先生, 我很荣幸能够参加直播。这期节目一结束,我就要给我妈妈打电话,感谢她在恰当的时候生下了我,使我今天可以坐在这里和你们一起直播。非常感谢。你们是所有中国人的英雄。 班农先生: 谢谢。谢谢你母亲。 郭文贵先生:谁先问?请问吧,有问题。
娜娜酱:好的,班农先生,我有一个问题想问你,随着疫苗的副作用逐渐在各处显明,影响着人们生活的方方面面,您觉得后疫苗时期的世界会是什么样的? 班农先生:啊,我认为会……由于共产党通过武汉将病毒投放到全世界,就像七哥两年前2020年1月就告诉我们的,我认为世界一直都在找解决的方案。他们都没有找到解决方案也没有将武汉实验室彻查,所以我不认为我们现在可以想像出后疫苗时期的世界将如何。因为就像你所看到的,疫情还在四处蔓延,在法国和德国,英国也在封城而不是解禁,还有美国。遍布全球。在讨论疫苗(这个信使RNA)之前我们需要一套全面的策略。全世界要做的最关键的是七哥从第一天就在讲的,我们必须彻查武汉实验室到底发生了什么。中国共产党必须开放,允许世界上的科学家进入武汉实验室,看看生化武器项目是什么样的。这是我们做任何决定必须要做的事情。只要共产党继续掩盖实验室里到底有什么,最大的受害者就是中国人,以及中国和全人类。所以我还是认为我们依然要专注于彻查武汉实验室上。 娜娜酱:谢谢。 纳瓦罗先生:呀,我想重申一下,这是中共病毒,它来自武汉实验室。武汉实验室是一个生化武器实验室。很遗憾的是,美国这里的安东尼·福奇医生在其中扮演一个重要角色,资助研究。他必须和共产党一起被追责。 关于后新冠的世界,我认为,我不认为我们快到那个时候了。通向群体免疫的道路还很漫长,现在我们所忽视的是药物防治病毒。老年人和有并发症的人应该接种疫苗,但其他没有多大风险的人只需要可以获得羟氯喹、伊维菌素、锌和一系列的有效药物,你感染病毒而产生的抗体比疫苗的强20倍。我们可以通过使用有效的药物使人类适应病毒,从而到达后病毒世界。但不幸的是,福奇医生和拜登政权,非法的拜登政权阻止对这些药物的使用,他们是在杀人。
班农先生:我想最后补充一点,我认为福奇医生和NIH以及华盛顿,不仅要给美国民众一个说法,我甚至认为他们都应该给老百姓,中国人好好解释一下他们和解放军、和共产党,在武汉背地里资助他们干了什么。我觉得福奇需要到武汉去,我觉得他必须面对中国人,好好解释他到底干了什么,并祈求中国人民的宽恕。 纳瓦罗先生:他必须双膝跪地求饶。 班农先生:百分之百。 纳瓦罗先生:下一个问题? 娜娜酱:谢谢。 莘七女孩:好,谢谢。Eric你来,我们轮流来。 Eric: OK,轮到我了。这个问题是给你纳瓦罗先生的。我不得不说,我是翻译组的一名翻译。我们给战斗室的节目翻译了一年多了。我有一们同事,她是一位非常漂亮的女士,她是你纳瓦罗先生的一个铁粉。所以,每当您出现在战斗室的节目中时,她就会大喊:哇,彼得·纳瓦罗来啦! Miller: 她是不是也是个瞎子?(哄堂大笑) 班农先生:哦,哦,哈哈哈 Eric: 好,那我的问题是,我们跟随郭文贵先生获得了分析和爆料,知道中共正面临很多麻烦,经济制裁、房地产崩塌。我们知道这些年中共各种危机四伏,摇摇欲坠。但最近习主席打击科技大公司以及中概股企业,处境一定更加恶化。那么,你怎么看待中共经济的全面崩塌?谢谢。
纳瓦罗先生:你说的这事很重要。就像现在,中国的房地产市场是泡沫中的泡沫,威胁着中国经济的崩塌。我们在美国所要做的事就是停止,停止从我们的退休基金里向中国输送美国的资产。这是我在白宫时试图做成的事。 但在纽约市几公里外的华尔街有像Steve Schwarzman(苏世民), Larry Fink, John Thornton, 还有其他的, 像Ray Dalio, 这些在电视上经常抛头露面的美国人。这些人在给华盛顿施压要继续从退休基金里往外输送钱财,支撑共产党。我们必须消灭共产党。而要消灭共产党,我们就必须停止输送美国资产给这些泡沫和这个跨国犯罪组织。他们反过来在买美国和中国穷人老百姓的房地产,必须停止这一切。 班农先生:我只想补充一点,就是他们和福奇一样必须向中国人道歉。华尔街大佬们,我要跟每位中国的老百姓和现在正被这些房地产公司骗得家破人亡的公民说,那些公司不光是共产党的擀面杖子,还有华尔街支撑着他们。Dalio和Schwarzman还有Fink等等用美国人退休的钱放进这些虚假房地产公司身后,给吸走了。 真正的受害者是中国人。勤劳的中国人省吃俭用把攒下来的钱投入了这些公司。他们都被洗劫了,他们破产了。其中一部分金融破坏就是因为美国的精英支持了犯罪组织,想拿走多少钱就拿走多少钱。 我觉得他们有连带责任,应当偿还他们曾从这些公司中拿走的人的每一分钱,作为对中国投资者草根老百姓的某种归还补偿。老百姓被洗劫是不容接受的。那不叫资本主义,那叫裙带资本主义,其实就是偷。我们不把美国精英偷来的钱还给中国人,我们绝不罢休。 Eric: 非常感谢。这个所有的盗国贼刚刚听到了班农先生表达了他的理念。谢谢。把时间交给娜娜酱。 娜娜酱:是Rachel.
莘七女孩:应该是我了。对,谢谢。感谢班农先生总是为不能发声,被禁言的中国人发声。但我的问题这次是问Jason Miller先生的。首先,非常感谢您和您的团队为盖特所做的一切。我们见证了一个神迹,盖特头两个月的惊人成长。在此感谢。 首先我想问您,我想了解一下您是如何看待盖特与推特相比的优势和机会的?我们如何与推特竞争? Miller: 没问题。谢谢Rachel给我这个机会和您以及现在其他许多的观众交流。我就简单说几点,总的来说我们的优势是推特永远也无法复制的东西,那就是给人带来的兴奋。世界上最强大的力量就是一个想法。一旦你在人们心中创造了一个想法,你会给他们自我表现的能力和言论的自由,一旦在心中扎了根就无法再夺去。使用推特没有人和兴奋可言,说实话所有其他的社交媒体平台,如脸书等。
Miller:只存在于我们必须相信我们的这种,我们不相信说的删除文化。因为现在所有删除文化就在全世界蔓延,这些所有的全球精英,他们针对每一个国家的这种平民主义者。他们说在美国的爱国者不应该支持美国,然后在巴西的爱国者不应该支持巴西,但是实际上我和很多来自不同国家的人跟他们交流,在过去的两个月以来,而且这两个月的交流比过去12年的交流还要多。 包括我们的盖特将会有这个翻译功能,可能在大概下周就可以上线,那么我们的这个约翰叔叔,他是作为我们的首席科技官,他非常认真地在工作。那么我对此非常感到高兴和兴奋,我们的工作人员有来自欧洲,有来自巴西,我们和这些不同地方的人一起互动,然后包括来自中国的这些人,他们不需要害怕他们会因为言论而受到迫害,那么盖特和推特还有脸书,最大的功能上的区别是我们可以有777字。那么我们的视频,可以跟你,也可以给这些做新闻的这些帐户10分钟的价格持平。那么这些所有的这些功能还有直播功能,下一个月会有这个直播功能上线。我们正在做一些测试,那么还有几张不同的分享照片等等。 那么现在我们要告诉大家,你永远不会因为你的政治观点而被审查。而且不管你来自哪个国家,无论是政府告诉你拥有什么言论自由权,在盖特这个平台上你可以自由发表你的想法, 纳瓦罗先生:然后我加一点,盖特绝对会干掉推特,盖特绝对会干掉推特,为什么?因为这是非常简单的想法。因为推特想将您闭嘴。记住,中国共产党毛泽东,毛泽东定义你有这种不好的想法,他们会确定什么叫不好的想法,但是推特将很多美国人发声的机会给夺走。那么现在我们用盖特,盖特会干掉推特。盖特给予我们的是言论自由的平台,这就是为什么,我们要这样做。
莘七女孩:非常感谢你们两位的回答。按照我的理解我认为,我对这个旧世界非常的厌倦,因为在推特上,它可以决定一切,他们给你贴标签,给你种族主义,带有偏见。你是来自巴西,你是来自中国,但是我相信在盖特所有人都在一个整体,这是第一次我感到没有这个边境或者国际的这个概念。我可以拥有真正的自由,所以我认为这对我们来说这是非GETTR让人感到的兴奋之处,都是跟未来有关的。 我还有另外一个问题,Miller先生,也是关于盖特,我想问一下和大家分享一下,您从这些盖特的使用者能听到什么?我相信你一直都在关注这一类的信息,如果可以分享的话,能听到一些什么样的回馈。 Miller:好的,非常感谢你。当然,我每天晚上都要花一个多小时看一看有一些人给我留下的留言。那么作为这个平台的CEO,我一定要和我们这个平台的使用者有很好的关系。那么我们将我们的这个提示的功能打开,好像很多人都喜欢。 那么第二点想提到的,我有很多人问我们需要更多的功能,有些功能我们会想到。但是有一点我没想到有很多人都喜欢这种深色模式,而且很多人必须要用深色模式。很多人对我们很生气,当初我们没有深色模式,但是我们没有了。那么我们当然要听我们的这个平台的使用者的意见,我们一定要听,我们要认真的听取他们的意见。 那么最终我们要在盖特上知道真相,告诉他真相。他们说我们在推特上没有办法发出说出真相,我们在脸书上没有办法发声。其实很难在这个国家,现在已经很难说出真相而不被人追逐。所以说很多人来自全世界各地人他们都有这样的想法 班农先生:你可以看到这个Jason提到几点,你看到盖特和其他所有的平台都不同。这个平台对我们来说很重要。第一点,盖特的在全球他们都非常的,他们做很多的事情,他们在盖特上评论、转盖特等等。盖特的使用率非常高。他们和大家互相互动。我认为上面也有一些就是说有不同观点人,进行一些辩论这也是非常好的 Miller:那么我还会加上一点,那么我在很多的这个采访中都提到,每天早上我起床的时候,我都是我第一件事就是打开盖特看一下大家在说什么和有关新闻。让我们看如果我打开推特的话就是这东西太糟糕了不想用了。所有这上面很多人都恨他们的生活非常的负面,但是盖特上面就非常的兴奋。很有很多人提出很多很好的意见,那么我们的,我们所有人都是说我们想让这个社交媒体更加的有趣,如果我们不让这个社交媒体平台更加有趣的话,就没,我们就没办法得到更多的人士。那么文贵先生,我现在有时间我有那个采访,首先感谢所有人今天是非常荣幸能和你们谈话。那么我马上就有一个节目必须参加,好的,非常感谢大家。
班农先生:今天感谢您,Jason有非常多的工作,所以他现在必须要离开一下。好的,那么还有另外一件事,Jason提到一件事情非常的有力量,你知道Miller先生他是一个非常厉害的人,那么文贵先生也是非常厉害的人,纳瓦罗和我也是非常厉害的人,这是你要知道,有些人就是很这种有毒性的非常不理智的攻击,这是有区别的。当人们知道他们的观点是,不会因为他们政治问题而被这些平台上被禁声的话,他们的这种信息的话将会更加理性更加有意义。 那么盖特我们需要更多人参与,那么我们现在也是非常正面的一个形象,也有很多人加入我们。纳瓦罗会给大家讲述他会做的很多事情,那么现在盖特的话100天左右,100天左右。那么跟这个推特的100天比完全一个天上一个地下。盖特是非常有力量的一个平台。那么你看到这个平台也能让大家更有力量 莘七女孩:这个盖特的话呢,天空才是他的极限。好的,那么回到娜娜酱。
娜娜酱:好的,非常感谢你,Rachel,纳瓦罗先生和班农先生。我和你各自都有一个问题,那么现在对中共国的这个经济产生了很大的负面问题,那么文贵先生认真地工作和我们的这个战友一起,你认为新中国联邦什么时候能够推翻中共以及美国政府什么时候有可能会承认新中国联邦。 纳瓦罗先生:其实我认为是新中国联邦已经在击倒中共,特别你看这个金融方面还有关于这个经济方面。我认为现在中共的这种强权包括习近平的强权模式,他正在博死,他现在将所有的权力集中。 那么现在文贵先生在这个海外进行的这一行动,更多的老百姓,你知道发生什么,那么你看到有关恒大的问题,他们非常愤怒,这种事情让习非常的害怕。我认为他,他的这种独裁政府对此感到恐惧。 我们需要做的是在美国,Steve(班农)的角色,我的角色和彭培奥的角色和其他人的角色就是给他给保持压力。很不幸这个选举被从川普身上偷走了,我们需要把这个拿回来。但是现在非法的拜登政府和习近平进行勾结。这个不是有助的,我们要一直保持压力,这是我们要做的事情。 班农先生:我想要说确保一个事情,大家意识到新中国联邦的这个合法的这个被认可。新中国联邦和爆料革命运动,以及法治基金法治社会,盖特,GFashion所有这一切,世界所看到的是一个新的中国以及新的中国人。他们看到中国人可以做到什么东西,如果它们有言论自由,宗教自由以及媒体自由,和表达自己一个人的自由的话, 我认为这个都取决于新中国联邦和其他这些群体,这是非常有力量的。我们的关注现在,是我确实相信新中国联邦会被公正的认识到,在2024年之后。但是我们的关注100%的展示新中国,和新中国人给世界,我每天都在做这一点。唯一的,拿下这个中国的方法,就是中国人来采取行动的,西方人可以帮助他们中国人的老百姓。 我们处在一个中国历史的独特的一个时刻,在5000年历史中,我们终于有这样一个中国人数百万和数千万的一个群体,他们是非常的成功的,而这个每天都展示出来。这个独裁政府的这个谎言是什么样子的,他们假装说中国人民是世界上唯一的,来自于这个古老的一个王国文明的人。他们即便是他们的,根本不需要自由,这是我们的使命,我们的使命就是关注,拿下这个跨国犯罪集团。他们恐吓,然后任意地迫害中国人民和中国。我们会做好这一点的。 新中国联邦,为什么我认为文贵先生就是新中国的,新中国的华盛顿。我是在说中国人终于有自由了,在数千年之后他们最终有了在西方有了自由。你可以看到他们的繁荣,你可以看到他们对社会的贡献,以及他们的这个家庭结构之类,他们是非常有力量的。这是为什么,我们一定要关注我们的使命,就是打倒中共和这个跨国犯罪集团。 纳瓦罗先生:Steve(班农)觉得是对的,最终我们必须要从内部来打倒中共,但是就像我们所知的那个说法一样,在中国很好的一个语言就是“星星之火,可以燎原”。我们需要这个星星之火可以从中国发生。 班农先生:而这个先生在这里它将会造成这个火花,然后这个火就会燎原之势地发展出去。记得和我所做的我们非常严肃的对待这个,川普运动中我们也有很大的责任,对中国人来说,这个就是阻止西方的精英,他们不能够再和这个跨国集团合作,不能让他们继续残忍地迫害中国人民。 我们一定要让他们对此负责,即便是他们从中国偷走的钱必须还给中国人。这些都是在中国人民身上挣的钱,我们有责任确保继续压制这些精英人士,不管是所有这一切。他们基本上都是犯罪团体,他们和中共这个跨国犯罪集团已经合作很久了。这是我们的责任去帮助新中国联邦,我们的帮助将会是彻底地毁掉中共,然后支持新的中国和新的中国人。
郭文贵先生:谢谢先生,非常感谢你。我不是中国的乔治·华盛顿,我只想拿下中共,然后消失去山林里。我要一百个女朋友,未来。所有这些女孩都非常漂亮,这是新的中国女孩,她们都已经有丈夫了,这是个问题。我是真正的一个人,我不是像中国那样的谎言者。 我爱我的家人,但是在镜头之后,他们都有。中共的很多人都有各种偷钱,然后撒谎,所以一切中共的东西都是假的,谎言,他们的经济也是假的,就象我们午餐的时候说的。中国的房地产总价值大概90万亿美金,这个已经超过了中共GDP的4倍,这个必然要倒塌,这绝对是个泡沫。而且你的这本书之前已经说过,中国是世界经济的灾难,损害所有的各国经济。 你在大选的时候已经在说中共是我们最大的敌人,这是为什么所有的中国人都爱你,以及史蒂夫·班农先生。我甚至在见他之前,我就知道他是个大师,他有全球经济的眼光。这是为什么我喜欢迈克·彭佩奥,彭佩奥准确地知道美国的所有麻烦都来自中共,这是很邪恶的。 中共是绝对在试图毁掉美国的经济,以及长期下改变美国的一切,这是为什么你们是美国的英雄。你们和彭佩奥以及史蒂夫·班农是全球的英雄。我知道这一切,我是来自中国的,我不需要任何钱。我以前的时候拥有很大的公司,我有数十亿美金的资产。他们只需要一个办法就可以从我的家庭资产里拿走了130亿美金,我不需要钱。 但是美国是问题所在,华尔街他们和这些人合作。你们的退休基金,史蒂夫班农和卡尔巴斯以及索罗斯的CEO我们一起谈论Scott Russell。我和这些人说,中共在桌面上,他们和这些美国的退休基金的CEO合作,他们想要杀掉美国的老人。他们都说你是撒谎者,你是个强奸犯之类的,以及各种谎言。我不在乎那些东西,我不在乎他们如何说我,我在乎的是如何把真相告诉西方世界。 你们现在经历着这种暗黑的时间,这是都是来自中国黑暗势力造成的。2019年的时候、2020年的时候,我和史蒂夫.班农一起在直播。当时中国已经准备好用生化武器来威胁美国,现在一切都发生了,对吧? 这是为什么你们这些人应该严肃地,你们真的不知道、不理解,史蒂夫.班农经常和我在一起,你们是中国13亿人的英雄,任何有常识的人都知道你们是英雄。彭佩奥也是很大的英雄,还有川普总统。你们去年的时候定义了新疆的大屠杀,这对中国人是很大的帮助,我真地非常感激这一切。 班农先生:我想说的是两分钟,进入这个拜登政府之后。当时是在20号的下午,中共制裁了彭佩奥、拜丁格、纳瓦罗,以及班农,拜丁格也是中国的英雄。 纳瓦罗先生:另外唯一当时不在政府里边的人,让我荣幸地被中共所制裁的是史蒂夫.班农。 郭文贵先生:这是为什么这个人非常的危险,对中共来说。 班农先生:这种制裁,这是为什么我非常地热衷于拿下中共,直到拿下中共之前我都无法去中国,我也无法回到香港。 纳瓦罗先生:我向你保证史蒂夫和我绝不会去澳门赌场,坚决不去。 郭文贵先生:班农的女朋友非常非常漂亮,老在问班农先生什么时候才能打倒中共,然后他们可以去香港太平山。 (对提问嘉宾说)不要紧张,我们都是一家人,我们都是家庭,不要紧张。纳瓦罗先生,你们可以问问题,还有班农先生,你可以。他们是真人,他们都是好人,你可以问他们任何你感兴趣的问题。他们都是非常绅士的,非常真实的人,不用担心,任何问题都可以问他们,甚至包括他的女朋友都可以,任何问题。
娜娜酱:Rachel你想。不。我要开始先问了。没有声音吗?好的,因为我们知道中共国现在有一个防火墙,你知道美国能够帮助中国人将防火墙击倒,那么你们美国政府或者美国的大型科技公司,他们会这样做吗?你们的建议对中国人民和全世界联结起来的方法是什么?好的,非常感谢。 纳瓦罗先生:我们需要川普总统回到白宫,他差一点就把防火墙击倒。他的总统令马上成功,他会对任何美国公司和帮助中共,就是说建造防火墙以及维护防火墙的公司进行制裁。你要知道,包括像斯克,包括像雅虎,包括像谷歌,包括像微软这些美国公司,他们在帮助以及维护这个防火墙。包括这个扎克伯格,他本人竟然夸奖了中国的防火墙制度。扎克伯格他是个罪犯,扎克伯格竟然雇佣了中国共产党党员来帮助脸书对中国人民进行审查。 你要知道,我们必须要有这种领导,能够有权力将这一切改变。如果川普能更快地回到白宫,这是我们能做的最重要的事情。现在脸书、推特、谷歌、微软、雅虎、斯克这些美国科技公司必须为此付出责任,为中国的防火墙付出责任。他们做出了一个全世界有史以来最大的数码、无线集中营,好的。 班农先生:你要知道我们现在所做的一切,你看,我们现在所做的一切要快、要狠,必须要停止这些勾兑,停止美国的大型科技公司和跨国犯罪集团与中共的勾兑。他们把中国人民全部困在一个监狱之中,我们现在在美国都有了一个防火墙。 我们在美国也有了防火墙,我们现在在美国的防火墙是同样的这群科技巨头所建造的,美国的这些所谓的精英阶层和纳瓦罗和川普对决。因为我们想尝试让美国停止,就是这些大型科技公司停止对中国人民的奴役,但是他们阻止我们这样做。
班农先生:大家要知道,中国人民老百姓的自由和我们美国普通老百姓的自由是联系在一起的,是不可分割的。你看这个犯罪集团他们将中国人民给奴役,现在美国人民也开始被奴役。我们现在有盖特的原因,就是因为有防火墙。 这就是告诉全世界,你奴役中国人民,不仅仅是中国人民的问题,而是全世界的问题。因为全世界这些金融机构,还有所有这些大型企业,他们都同意这种奴役行为。你要知道中国人民的奴役劳动力才是让全世界这种全球主义的系统运作,因为他们必须要利用中国人民这种奴役性的劳动力,将劳动成果拿走。 中共会拿走一部分这种劳动成果,剩下的所有劳动成果都会被全世界这些所谓的合作者全部分走。这个绝对不是一个阴谋论,这就是这个系统是如何工作的。我们没有将防火墙推倒的原因,就是因为华尔街还有这些所谓的大型跨国公司,还有这些硅谷的所有公司,他们不想将防火墙推倒。 白宫想这样做,但是我们已经有总统令签署,但是他们不想让我们行使这个总统令。他们想把中国人民给奴役,大家一定要记住这一点。让中国人民自由是21世纪前50年来最重要的一件事情。如果中国人民没有获得自由,那全世界没有任何人是自由的。所有的这全世界的每一个人必须要帮助中国人民将这个跨国犯罪集团给打倒。 娜娜酱:非常感谢您班农先生,非常感谢您纳瓦罗先生。Eric你有问题吗?
Eric:是的,我有问题。好的,非常感谢您班农先生,非常感谢您纳瓦罗先生。这样的感觉好像我们在质询您,但是我们都不是罪犯。昨天SEC已经证明了我们不是犯罪,但是我的问题是,我是想问有关阿富汗的问题。 我们知道阿富汗所出现的情况是中共在背后作祟,但是在阿富汗到底发生的事情对所有人都感到非常心痛。而且为这13名不幸牺牲的军人,为他们祷告。他们是英雄,同时我们也看到很多,超过180亿的美国军队的装备被丢弃。很多事件都在阿富汗发生,所有的这些事情。班农先生,您如何告诉我们阿富汗发生这些事情在美国和中国之间的关系究竟会有什么样的影响? 班农先生:在阿富汗发生的事情,这可能是前50年以来发生的最重要的国际地理政治事件。因为你看到亚洲和欧洲大陆板块,要控制这个板块,就可以控制全世界,这就是中共尝试所做的。他们并不管中国人民的情况,他们不管,他们是要把整个这一部分地区给控制。作为中共一个黑帮组织,他们有黑帮的朋友,包括朝鲜、巴基斯坦、伊朗的神职政府,以及现在出现的阿富汗的一个超级恐怖主义的国家,现在是这个情况。 那么我们看这些20多岁的年轻的美国军人将他的生命牺牲掉,有1万多人。那么之前我们将这个塔利班还有这个ISIS,这些伊斯兰极端组织,我们在十年时间都没能把这些人击败,对吧。 那么在川普的领导下,我们18个月就将这些消灭掉,我们就赢得了这场战争。但是,你看它现在一个非法的这种犯罪集团,它是作为一个全球黑帮在帮助这些恐怖分子。然后将所有人都变成和中国人一样的这种奴役的劳动力,他们想做的事情就是。 同时他们想攻击这个印度,还要攻击不丹,同时他们也要关注南海和台湾。这就是为什么在中共国发生的这个金融危机下,现在所有的普通老百姓,认真工作的中国老百姓,他们的所有的资产和钱财都被卷走。 你看这些人他们都是找这种公司,要求要回他们的钱财。但是中共的话,它们决定可能会对台湾下手。我们两位都一直在警告,这么多年以来,中国共产党它一直在和中国人民战斗,也在和西方战斗,包括使用这个网络战争、经济战争。 但是我们现在越来越接近热战。我认为这个拜登政府现在完全无用,他们对中共低头。那么中共他们会变得越来越自大,他们完全瞧不上这样的拜登政府。 因为现在中共政府就像狼一样,他们闻到了这个拜登的这种弱势。那么不像川普,他不可能会自己站起来。 那么我们本来是应该撤离阿富汗,但是应该是一个和我们的这种盟友一起合作,然后以一个正常的方式处理。结果他们是在这个夜晚的时候逃走,就像一个逃兵一样。那么你看中共现在的宣传就是,美国没有为阿富汗站台,那么它们也不会为香港、也不会为台湾站台。那么现在他们的目标就是将拿下台湾,特别是台湾的芯片制造,这样美国就完蛋了。 所以,西方世界的这些弱点,包括西方的这些胆小鬼。其实我们有很多地方都能够站起来。你要知道中共它们只听得懂拳头,我们必须要用我们金融和科技战,来击倒中共。 但是你知道我们为什么没有这样做?就是因为华尔街和伦敦的金融这些,还有包括所有的大型的国际公司。他们才不管中国人民这种被奴役的状态。 所以说我们现在看到在南海、在台湾,正在越来越接近热战,包括印度的克什米尔地区。如果有战争的话,你知不知道谁会死?只有年轻的中国人会死,你要知道! 因为这些年轻的中国人加入了军队。这些年轻人加入军队,就是因为中共想利用他们,有很多中国年轻人会死,如果开战的话。 那么会有很多年轻的印度人会死,有很多年轻的美国人会死,那么我们有很多年轻人都会因此而死。为什么?就是因为这些在朝鲜、在中共、在伊朗、在土耳其和俄罗斯这些犯罪集团,它们联合在一起,而西方世界不愿意联合起来。 你要知道所出的问题,我肯定这和一战和二战完全无法相比,知道为什么吗?因为我们还没有从之前的经验里学到。我们必须一直战斗,要把中共给打倒,这就是我们的目标。 Eric:是的,你很正确的,非常感谢您班农先生。这个世界已经被中共扰乱。我们知道,文贵先生告诉过我们。这是中共在玩一个很大的游戏,包括南海,非常大的一个地区。然后还有这个双龙计划,还有这个一带一路,还有巴基斯坦等等。包括霍尔木兹海峡,苏伊士运河,越来越接近战争。我相信消灭中共,将告诉全世界关于病毒疫苗的真相。我们一定会看到更多光明,我坚信这一点,非常感谢您班农先生。
莘七女孩:好的,我回来了,我的网络稍微有点问题,不好意思。我现在回来了。 我有一个问题,你们都可以回答。中共成功渗透了美国的多方面,那么现在作为结果,我们知道陆金所它去年才上市,在美国,10月份时候。 那么有很多这种全球各国的退休基金,包括加拿大,包括加州,包括加拿大教师的这种退休基金,都在里面投资。而且当文贵先生在他直播中提到,当中国股市下降之时,我们知道这个陆金所它的股价下降得非常多。 那么你认为这些退休基金会出什么事?我在加拿大居住,我自己也有这些退休基金,你认为这些人该怎么办? 当出现金融危机之时,这些普通的老百姓该怎么办? 纳瓦罗先生:我们在这个战斗室的疫情大流行的节目上以及提到过很多次。当这个习近平作为一个独裁者,他对一些科技公司出手之时,我们当时看见大概有4000亿美元从所有这些公司消失。那么这些钱都是来自于美国的这些退休基金。 那么班农他说得非常正确,现在来说,你想获得一个比较正常的回报都很困难。比如说你投了这个基金,你会有一些回报,就是返还一些基金的持有者。就是说现在每年都非常难得到这个回报。而现在有的东西是连你的本金都开始越来越少,连本金都拿不回来了。 这就是为什么华盛顿DC,它们所做的行动和我们想象的不一样。因为这是一个慢动作的灾难。那么有很多地方都发生了这个问题,我们发生了很多危机。那么钱会越来越少,会消失。那么所有的这些基金,它们的资金都不足。而且所有的这些问题都是因为现在全球的这个市场的情况变得更糟。 我们现在已有的,多年来的第一期的政策。但是你要知道中国共产党,它们已经在做,并且继续在做的一件事情是将美国人的退休金放入这种高风险的投资中。 那么我认为每天我们都必须在DC提到的一点是,必须要阻止将美国人的退休金投入这些中共的高风险资产。那么最糟糕的一点是,你把美国军队的这些退休人员,将他们的基金已经投入到了中国共产党,这必须要停止。 但是就像史蒂夫提到的,你这些被偷走的选举有灾难性的结果。这就是很多事情中的一件事情,现在正在发生。史蒂夫你也有一些想法吧? 班农先生:对,我同意你。这是一个非常大的问题。就是让我们的退休金去资助一个奴役中国人民的利益集团。这是你现在看到习,他可以得到很多来自于美国的退休基金。 你知道习,他根本不关心这些基金,他不管这些CEO,他不管这些普通的老百姓。他甚至对美国都不关心,对中国人民也不关心。 现在发生的事情是有很多公司,是整整一代的中国人,他们非常认真的工作,但是他们挣的钱非常少。但是因为他们没有很好的这种退休制度,所以他们将每一分钱都尽量存储起来,他们将这些钱放在另外的地方,并把这些钱给存好。 (视频出现问题)
郭文贵先生:尊敬的战友们好,我们开始的是我们9.15的大直播。现在旁边坐着的是我们中国人最应该感激的几个人,都在这里了。 我们的史蒂夫.班农先生,是他让共产党闻风丧胆,是他开启了我们新中国联邦正式的宣言。 同时我们大家也知道坐在我旁边的,但是在白宫的,也是最了解中国的,就是皮特·纳瓦罗先生。他让所有的中共闻风丧胆,提到皮特·纳瓦罗的名字都害怕。 然后旁边是我们盖特的CEO,也是给川普总统工作的Jason Miller,盖特的CEO。 现在我们以热烈的掌声,来欢迎这三位我们中国人的恩人! 来,你翻译一下。 我必须要说的事情,班农先生是…… (视频中断一分钟) 郭文贵先生:Rachel,你现在问几个问题,20分钟我们就结束了,好吧,Rachel你开始问。
莘七女孩:OK,你们能听到我吗?我想问个有关疫苗公司的问题,事实上文贵先生预测这些大公司(会破产)特别是这些疫苗的生产商会不会破产,你认为这个事情会发生吗? 纳瓦罗先生:疫苗公司——我认为就像我以前提到的。我的这本新书,大家已经可以在亚马逊上预定了。在这本书里面,我谈论了很多关于2020年二月份的时候,我们看到中共病毒来了,将会成为大疫情。班农先生在这里1月份的时候就把这个节目做成了一个《大疫情战斗室》。这甚至在WHO两个月前就说到了。 班农先生:这是因为郭文贵先生。疫情爆发的同时我们看到纳瓦罗先生在白宫西翼签署中国贸易协定。我们当时在关注中国的贸易协定,而同时病毒已经出来了。 纳瓦罗先生:我的观点是当我写这些备忘录的时候,我们想着这些疫情的攻击,通过五个方法来处理这些问题——其中一个方法是疫苗,这个世界需要更多的疫苗,而且还有别的这些我们可以用的东西,包括这些疗法什么的。 多数的人忘了这个中共病毒,它们其实是低致死率的。他们所需要的是用早期的治疗。在2020年一月份二月份的时候,我们知道这些疗法是什么,我们需要有这样的东西。但是发生的事情是因为这些大医疗公司他们要制造疫苗,最终这个策略变成了疫苗唯一的策略。政府最终放弃了像羟氯喹这样的治疗方法,而且让医生如果开这些药物的话就当作犯罪了。比如说羟氯喹现在有很糟糕的名声——因为他们在诬蔑这个药。在七天中如果你使用这个药的话,很可能会活下来。 班农先生:首先第一个羟氯喹的提出的是郭文贵先生。 纳瓦罗先生:这个是有效的,本来可以拯救数十万的人。事实上,我当时是负责这个白宫的防御机制的,我有6000万片羟氯喹的药,我准备好把这个发到全国各地。但是FDA和福奇说,他们直接签了一个命令,不允许用羟氯喹。当时我不理解为什么,但在这时间之后这个对我来说越来越清晰——这些大医药公司想出售他们的疫苗。如果要出售疫苗的话,他们必须要压制其他的这些治疗方法,我认为这是一个轮回。你去不同的国家,你都可以看到有很多的人开始理解到你的观点——这些疫苗。 如果你被接种疫苗的话,问题是——他们有很多的问题,即便你接种了疫苗依然可能会感染病毒。比如说,德尔塔病毒以及其他的突变体,这是非常不好的,所以你必须每隔一段时间就接种新的加强的疫苗,他们称就是加强针。 原本的病毒现在甚至都不存在了,就像郭文贵先生说的那样,他们有数千种不同的病毒,你一旦解决一种,他们就会放出另一种。用这种疫苗本来是设计用来针对某一个病毒,这个病毒已经不存在了,它的变异体是完全不一样的。我的观点是说,这些医药公司他们从这里挣了很多的钱,他们的这些设计,他们本来希望这个疫苗可以拯救世界,但是很多人依然在死亡,这是一个灾难。
班农先生:我并不认为我们会在这方面有什么进展,直到我们调查清楚武汉实验室发生了什么——武汉的这个生化武器实验室。中共是一个跨国犯罪集团,中国人是最大的受害者。这个城市(翻译:还是有点卡,大家稍微一点耐心)直到我们进去,然后带着全球的团队,最大的问题将是,我们要查清楚到底是怎么样创造这些东西的,查这里边有什么情况,每一件事情。这就是为什么我认为,你也看到有这些变异,这些科学家一直在这里追踪着这个信使RNA,你知道会失去很多人,很多人会死的,还有这些自然免疫的问题,所以我们要查清楚这些。 所有这些当他们批评郭文贵先生时我就说:“嗨!这个是2019年12月底,他跟我说有这个中共病毒,它才会来的。然后我们在纽约,我们会做总共三天的中共国新年的直播,当时他们还在白宫的西翼还有中国的代表团在那里,文贵先生告诉我说:‘今年不会有中国的新年了,因为他们有一个像SARS一样的病毒,他们会封锁武汉’”这个城市像法国这么大,武汉比纽约要大40%。我们还没有查清楚这些,直到我们做这个事情,你就会有一步一步的会有更大的情况,然后我们就在那里不断地印证。其中的部分就是这个后果就是看到造成的这个后果,就是现在你看到很大的情况。 所有现在中国的产业链都爆了,还有这些三星他们也撤了,他们说我没有办法再和这帮人做生意了,这就是一个犯罪组织,你不能和这些犯罪分子一起做生意,因为他们老是改变规则,而且这样的后果就是,首先他们对中国人民放出这个生化武器,而且对于中国经济真正有影响,所以这些都爆出来。 所有这些就是这帮人他们要拯救这帮犯罪的伙伴,就会把我们引向第三次世界大战,还有印度,还有克什米亚、 还有南海、还有台湾、还有美国,所有都会死的。不管什么原因,就是因为我们没有站出来对抗这帮犯罪分子,而是让这帮人在那里赚钱,这个就是他们做的事情,而且历史会审判我们所有人,所有人。我们现在所做的这个事情来停止这一切。
郭文贵先生:(对纳瓦罗先生)是的,这个时候我看到班农先生和我,我们在谈论这个事情,这些情报,然后你就问我发生了什么事情。你是在美国的大英雄,你是第一个人说出来美国人可以使用羟氯喹,在2020年1月、2月。 班农先生:(对纳瓦罗先生)你知道我们打了很多次的电话,你说到的6500万的羟氯喹。 纳瓦罗:你知道这是个12美金的药,用于治疗就是14粒到15粒,我有6500万粒的羟氯喹,可以去治疗400万感染的美国人,而且可以降低死亡率达70%,这个是科学上面可以看到的。你知道这样的话就不会有这么多人现在已经死亡了,这是福奇干的事情,就是在这栋楼,以前就是news corp,还有CNN他们的场地,他们就是和福奇勾结去攻击去镇压这些信息,然后他们还写了一个东西说,对于羟氯喹的这种歇斯底里的情况,你看到羟氯喹,没有人在死亡,没有用羟氯喹有多少人死了?现在全世界有400万人,有60多万的美国人。谁知道在中共国又死了多少人呢?
郭文贵先生:你知道我相信是超过1000万。他们说的这个数据我不相信。我觉得比这个多。你知道这个事关于中共国现在中共病毒,还有疫苗。那现在中共病毒还有疫苗比病毒更糟糕,你知道疫苗可以杀死很多人。你可以看6个月10个月,你站在街上,可以看开车,你可能开着开着突然就死了,因为你打了疫苗,这个是谋杀。 纳瓦罗先生:那么疫苗危险的部分就是对自己而言,我们和马龙博士在班农先生的节目上也是说得很好。他是用这个技术制造出了疫苗,关于疫苗针对中共病毒,你有刺突蛋白,这样处理过的,然后这样去针对一部分人的病毒。 如果你给每个人都打疫苗,那么我们知道从病毒学来说,这个变异就是通过给每个人打疫苗,那你就会有危险造成一个超级病毒。 郭文贵先生:你知道每个人打一针有40万亿个刺突蛋白进入你的DNA,我就问每个人,你给我说,中共病毒哪里来的。你都不知道中共病毒哪里来的,你怎么能就做出疫苗来了? 纳瓦罗先生:是的,我们都不知道这个事情是怎么开始的。 郭文贵先生:这些人不负责,就让人们去打疫苗,这是疯狂的。这就是我问所有人,昨天我遇到一个王子公主,他们给我打电话说,文贵叔叔我喜欢你,我就问你打疫苗了吗,他说我们每个人打了5针,我震惊了。 我就说为什么,他说我打了5针,准备打第六针。你知道你打一针就有40万亿个刺突蛋白进入你的体内,你知道这个有200万亿的蛋白就进入你的身体,你知道这个很疯狂。这个危险,这是一个非常危险的情况。(纳瓦罗)先生你几年前就说了中共是全球的威胁,是恐怖组织。
纳瓦罗先生:我就说了中共是要发动战争,我预测了这个事情,我已经预测到了中共会制造这样一场大疫情,在川普时期。这就是2020年1月15号的时候,然后还有我跟班农说话。 班农先生:我当时对于要发生的事情是很害怕的。这本新书是川普时期我的旅程,我喜欢每一位中国人民,把过去看看到底发生了什么。郭文贵先生也在书里被提及了。 郭文贵先生:兄弟姐妹们,纳瓦罗先生刚刚有一本新的书,你们可以找到新书的名字吗,给放出来。我希望我们战友们都可以去买纳瓦罗先生的新书去,叫什么名字。《In Trump Time》在川普时期。 纳瓦罗先生:这个意味着就是在川普时期,就是动作迅速,就是在川普的时期。就是我们说了,在杰森米勒做的事情,所以我们做事情都是在川普时期,都是快速进行。 班农先生:这个是彼得.纳瓦罗先生的新书,写的在疫情时期我们这一路的历程,就是图片上放出的这本书,这本书看起来是不是很棒?这是在亚马逊上有售,郭文贵先生也在书中被提及。 郭文贵先生:你(纳瓦罗先生)是真正的美国男士,美国男士就是你们说的有功绩。你知道有些人很软弱,他们都不反击,中共偷了你们的工作,偷了你们的钱,你们为什么不反击,还向中共叩头了。你失去了你的未来,你失去了你的家庭,你们真的就是显示了美国男人的形象。你看看这本书,大家要去亚马逊上,现在就去亚马逊上看。是在亚马逊上,好的,我希望这本书能够翻译成中文版日文版。 班农先生:我们会把这本书翻译成中文,然后也会翻译成日文。
郭文贵先生:最后一个问题,然后我们就会结束今天的直播,也非常感谢两位今天的光临,也是非常的荣幸。 班农先生:你是真的中国人民,我喜欢你。 郭文贵先生:我只是个小人物,你是新中国联邦的大师,而且你也是盖特的代表,就像你说的,是推特的终结者,推特的杀手,还有杰森·米勒。我也希望能够看到迈克·彭培奥还有博明能够在一起,这些都是真正的美国人,我们一起反击。 你不知道有多少的中国人民爱你们,你看看这些人,在中共国大陆,凌晨三四点他们就在这里看直播,有很多人在这里,你知道这只是890万(观看),我觉得在墙内的话,人数会比这个多很多。 在美国每个人都是为了钱在工作,我们新中国联邦,我们是为正义而战,我们要消灭中共,我们是真地想要消灭中共,我们非常感谢各位,团队做的非常出色的工作。 你知道的这个水平真地太疯狂了,但是我们只是为了让世界知道真相,好的非常感谢。Rachel、娜娜酱、Eric,我们现在这样。我真的很喜欢Rachel、娜娜酱,他们问的很多问题都很好,好的每个人你们可以问最后一个问题,谢谢。 Eric:我能否问一个问题,就是美国什么时候正式的承认新中国联邦呢,谢谢。 班农先生:我觉得会在2024年的之后的某个时刻,当我们夺回白宫,这个拜登的政权是不会做这个事情的,这事在2022年我们夺回国会后也不一定会发生,但是我们一定会夺回国会的,让我们消灭中共,然后承认新中国联邦。还有就是法务审计,还有去亚利桑那州、乔治亚州、威斯康辛州查清楚大选舞弊,我们等不及,不能等到2024。 Eric:这个比宾西法尼亚州的发传票是很重要的。 莘七女孩:谢谢,我们能够有时间再邀请你们参加直播,我也很期待再次采访你们,也非常喜欢你们今天给我们的答案,谢谢。
娜娜酱:我有一个问题,我们都知道我们和美国证监会进行了和解,我们知道他们做了很多事情想要打垮G-TV,我们可能会失去我们的执照,我们不能在美国进行任何的项目,但是现在我们和解了,您怎么看呢,谢谢。 班农先生:我觉得这个就是向你们展示,不管中共耍什么花招,他们不能打败这个运动,我们的爆料革命、还有新中国联邦、还有G-TV、G-News,还有法治基金,你们比一年前已经壮大了5倍。就是因为中共派了一些人在里边搞事情,就是让中国人民没有机会去参与这些G-TV、G-News,你知道这是一个说出了中国人民自己的声音的新闻媒体,我觉得中国人民有机会的时候他们就会繁荣成长。在我看来,这是一种耻辱,中共居然能够参与这个事情,而且搞出了很多事情,我们要非常的小心,不能让他们搞事情,去毁坏中国人民的每个机会。还有就是他们的驭民五术,让他们饿民、愚民,让他们没有创造力,这个就是向你显示出中共的这种邪恶想法。 郭文贵先生:昨天晚上,我和G-TV的投资者进行了一个电话会议,之前我们就是免去了班农先生的主席职位,那次说我们可能邀请班农先生回来。你知道犹他州的政治的因素,这是我们为什么先将班农先生移出来,我们之后可能让他再回来,没有人相信我们能够和SEC进行和解。 你知道这个诉讼案,就算没有这些罚款,对G-TV和Saraca,但是很重要。我们的投资者100%,有10个人拿回了钱,99.9%的人仍然想投资,这个事情是让人难以置信的,这是我的荣幸。昨天我们打了电话会议,他们说这个估价是600亿,之前只有200亿,我觉得很重要的就是总检察长,在曼哈顿的James,没有人相信James可以和解这件事情。昨天这位女士她决定了,没有惩罚,0。这个总检察长James女士,真得非常的好,我们是非常感谢她做的这件事情。从来没有发生过 班农先生:我也同意,文贵先生说把班农请回去。谢谢你们,谢谢。 郭文贵先生:谢谢,谢谢Rachel,谢谢娜娜酱,谢谢Eric。谢谢各位,消灭中共。Take down CCP!Take down CCP!Take down CCP! ******End****** English Version ![]() Miles Guo:尊敬的战友们好,尊敬的战友们好!现在正在开始的是我们的915的大直播,现在在我旁边坐着的是我们中国人最应该感激的几个人都在这里了。我们的史蒂夫班农先生,是他让共产党闻风丧胆,是他开启了我们新中国联邦正式的宣言。同时大家也都知道我们坐在旁边的,当时在白宫的,也是最了解中国的彼得纳瓦罗先生。他让所有的中共闻风丧胆。提到彼得纳瓦罗的名字他们都害怕。然后旁边是我们盖特的CEO,也是在给川普总统工作的,我们的Jason Miller,盖特的CEO。 现在我们以热烈的掌声来欢迎这三位我们中国人的恩人。(鼓掌)来翻译一下吧,来。 我必须要说的事情,这个班农先生是新中国联邦的宣言人和创始人,他是有正式的我们新中国联邦的职务的,我们要终身感激的人。彼得纳瓦罗先生今天正式地成为了我们新中国联邦的大使,和我们的盖特的形象大使。未来全面地、全力地、全时间地来帮助盖特推到推特,维护社交媒体的公平和正义。那么另外一个就是我们的CEO,Jason Miller先生,是我们整个盖特CEO。 可以说这三位先生是我们中国人推倒CCP的希望,是我们中国人的恩人。 大家看到屏幕上,此时此刻滚动的字幕都是50个50个的IP进来,在刚才30分钟以前我接到消息已经有四万多个IP已经在国内发生了。也就是说现在大概有五千万大陆的同胞们正在看这场旷世的直播。接下来会有很多战友加入连线,有一些问题来请教我们这三位先生。接下来我把话筒会交下去,请战友们把连线给连进来,请大家首先问班农先生的问题和问彼得纳瓦罗先生的问题和Jason Miller先生的问题。现在咱们开始感谢大家的参与,看这个屏幕上现在最起码得超过五千万的国内的观众在看着,谢谢。 请,现在请连线接进来吧。(to Mr. Navarro)You look at this the followers, every VPN, behind maybe 1.2 million, 1.4 million. Mr. Bannon:Is it that big? Yeah. Miles Guo: The VPN, but look at this, this is the big big number, big day. OK, this from… 介绍一下,请各位介绍一下自己,Rachel,Nana,来介绍一下自己啊。 Nana: Hi, Mr. Bannon, Mr. Navarro, and Mr. Miller, I’m Nana, so happy to see you guys here. Bannon: Hi. Nana: It’s good to see you. Miles Guo: Thank you. Rachel: Hello, this is Rachel. It’s a great honour to be here with you on the live-stream. You guys are my hero, so I’m looking forward to this conversation. Thank you. Thank you so much. Mr. Bannon: Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Eric: Hi, Mr. Bannon, Mr. Navarro, Mr. Miller, and also Miles Guo. I’m very honoured to be in the streaming. After this episode, I will immediately call my Mom to thank her for her for giving me the right time of my birth, so that today I can sit here together with you all. Thank you very much. You are the hero of all Chinese. Mr. Bannon: Thank you. Thank your mother. Miles Guo: 谁先问?请问吧,有问题。 Nana: So, OK, Mr. Bannon, I have one question for you. With the side effect of the vaccine are slowly showing up everywhere, and it’s affecting all kinds of aspects in people’s lives, what do you think the post-COVID-vaccine world would be like? Mr. Bannon: Well, I think it’s gonna…since the CCP put the virus out through Wuhan to the entire world as Miles told us, you know, almost 2 years ago, you know, in January of 2020, I think that the world has been searching for solution. And they haven’t looked at the solution and get to the bottom of the Wuhan Lab, and so I don’t even think we can conceive of what a post-COVID world is right now. Because as you see it, it’s expanding everywhere, in France and Germany, they are locking down in England more than opening up, and in United States. It’s all over the map. We need to have a comprehensive strategy, even before start talking about vaccines, this messenger RNA. And the central thing that the world has to do is what we’ve been preaching from day one, what Miles’ been preaching, we have to get to the bottom of what happened in Wuhan Lab. And the Chinese Communist Party has to open up, and allow the world’s scientists to get into the Wuhan Lab, see what the Biological Weapon Program was like. It’s the only thing before we come to some decisions. As long as this CCP continues to hold back what’s within that Lab, the biggest victims are the Chinese people, the Chinese nation, and the rest of mankind. So, I still think we should still focus on getting to the bottom of the Wuhan Lab. Nana: Thank you. Mr. Navarro: Yeah, I would reiterate that, if I may, that this is the CCP virus and it came from the Wuhan Lab. The Wuhan Lab is a Bioweapons Lab. And regrettably, Dr. Anthony Fauci here in the United States played a key role, funding that research, and he needs to be held accountable along with the CCP. To get to a post-COVID world, I think that, I don’t think we get quite there . The way to get there is through hoard immunity, and the big thing missing now in the equation is therapeutics, treating the virus. Older people, people with comorbidity should get the vaccine, but everyone else who is not at big risk with the vaccine needs to simply be able to get hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and whole wide range of therapeutics, and the antibody you get from have the virus is 20 times stronger than that of from the vaccine. We can get to the world where the human spices adapts through the use of the strong therapeutics, but unfortunately, Dr. Fauci and the Biden regime, the illegitimate Biden regime, are preventing the use of these therapeutics, and killing people. Mr. Bannon: One last thing, and I want to add this, I think Dr. Tony Fauci and NIH and Washington DC, not simply owe an explanation to the American people, I think even more, they owe explanations to Laobaixing and to Chinese people of exactly what they financed with the PLA, and with the CCP, in Wuhan behind everybody’s back. And I think Fauci needs to go to Wuhan, and I think he needs to address the people of China, and to explain exactly what he did, and beg for forgiveness of the Chinese people. Mr. Navarro: He needs to prostrate himself on his knees and beg for forgiveness. Mr. Bannon: 100%. Mr. Navarro: Next question? Nana: Thank you. Rachel: Yes, thank you. Eric, you go ahead, we have a… we take turn. Eric: OK, it’s my turn. This question, if I may, is for Mr. Navarro. I have to say, I’m one of the interpreters of G-Translators. We have been interpreting War Room for over one year. And I have a coworker, colleague, who is a very beautiful lady, and she is a greatest fan of Mr. Navarro. So, when you appear every time in War Room, she just shouts: Oh, here comes Peter Navarro! Mr. Miller: Is she also blind? (everybody roared with laughter) Mr. Bannon: Oh, oh, ahaha… Eric: So, here comes my question, we have been to Miles Guo with a lot of detailed stuffs, analysis and exposure, that the CCP regime is having all kinds of trouble, financial sanction, and also the real estate nothing else. So we have been known through all these years of all kinds of crises accumulation in CCP regime, it’s becoming definitely broke down. But recently with president Xi, crack down on the Big-Techs, and those overseas listed companies, the situation must have been exacerbated. So, how do you take the total collapse of the CCP regime’s economy? Thank you. Mr. Navarro: You make a very important point. Like right now, the Chinese real estate markets the bubble of all bubbles. And it threatens the collapse of the Chinese economy. The thing we have to do here in the United States is stop, stop the flow of American capital to China through our pension funds. This is something I tried to do in the White House. But sitting here in New York city, few miles from Wall Street, there’s Americans like Steve Schwarzman, Larry Fink, John Thornton, and others, Ray Dalio, who buries themselves on TV. These are the people who are pressuring Washington DC to keep that flow of money from our pension funds, to prop up the CCP. We need to take down the CCP, in order to take down the CCP, we need to stop the flow of American capital to fuel these bubbles and transnational criminal organization, which is buying real estate here with the deplorable, the American and Laobaixing in China. It has to stop. Mr. Bannon: I just want to add to that, and this is equivalent of what Fauci needs to apologize to the Chinese people. The Wall Street tycoons, and I address this to every Laobaixing, and every citizens of China, that’s getting wiped out now of their savings in these fraudulent real estate companies. Those companies are propped up not just by the CCP, they’re propped up by Wall Street. And every penny that Dalio and Schwarzman and Fink and these guys have used American pension money to put in the back of these phony real estate companies and sucked in. The real victims here are the Chinese people. The hard-working Chinese people make almost no money, and save all their money and put in these companies. They’ve been wiped out, they’ve been financially destroyed, and part of the financial destruction is the elites of the Untied States have supported the criminal organization and to take as much money as possible. I think they have a fiduciary responsibility to pay back every penny they’ve taken out of any of these companies, and to give that in some sort of restitution to the Chinese investors, to the little guys China. The Laobaixing, and the little guys in China have been wiped out and that is unacceptable. That is not what capitalism is about. That is crony capitalism, it’s basically theft. And until we hold the elites here in America that have forced this onto Chinese people, we are not making any progress. Eric: Thank you very much. And all the Kleptocrats in the CCP regime just listened Mr. Bannon delivered (his) conviction. Thank you. Back to you Nana Nana: Rachel. Rachel: I think it’s my return. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for Mr. Bannon always speak for the Chinese people who cannot speak, who are silenced. But my question this time is for Mr. Jason Miller. First of all, thank you so much for everything you’ve done, and your team have done for GETTR. We witnessed a miracle, and fantastic growth in the first couple, several months, so thank you so much. so, I wanna ask you about, first of all, I want to get a sense of what you see the advantages and opportunities that GETTR has in comparison to Twitter? How do we compete with Twitter? Mr. Miller: Absolutely! Thank you Rachel for the opportune to speak with youth so many others right now. I just put down a couple things, at the big level the advantage we have, is something that Twitter will never be able to duplicate, and that’s excitement. And the most powerful force in the world is an idea, once you create an idea within people, would you give them the ability to self-expression and freedom of speech, that takes hold and you can’t remove that. There is no excitement with Twitter, quite frankly in a social media platform, such as Facebook or anything else. So, we believe that our value proposition, our belief in free speech, but also oppose to cancel culture, that is uniting people all over the world. So for as much as the globalist elite sin the media would try to say that the populist in their respective countries is some kind of a bad idea, the people in the US shouldn’t be pro-US, or the people in Brazil shouldn’t be pro-Brazil. I’ve actually interacted with people on social media, interacted with people from different countries, via social media on GETTR in the past two months more than what happened in 12 years, for example. Very excited to announce we have a translation feature, that will be coming very soon. Probably within the next… say within the next 3, 4 days, which means next week or two. (Mr. Bannon laughed) Joe Wang are glorious Chief Technology Officer here. Joe is my friend. But the engineers all over the world are working so hard on this, and we’re really appreciative for their work. Part of the reason why I’m excite about this is because then it goes much more beyond let’s say interacting with people from Europe or Brazil, but also interacting with the free people of China, who want to live without fear of persecution, and be able to have self-expression. when we talk about technical details, what’s different between GETTR and let’s say Twitter, Facebook, longer post up to 777 characters, longer videos up to 3 minutes, for news creators and influencers upload of 10 minute videos that we can allow for. Some really cool additional features that will be coming addition of live-streaming which will be coming next month. So we’re excited about the growth and development on that. And I think it will outweigh the Twitter hasn’t had, sharper pictures, sharper images. But again, go back to the fact that you will never be de-platformed or censored for your political opinions on GETTR. And this is something that people can, regardless of what country you are from, regardless of what the free-speech right that the government might tell you that you have, on GETTR you will always be able to express yourself freely and openly. Mr. Navarro: Hey, let me say this, GETTR is the Twitter-killer. (clap) This is what we have to do, GETTR is the Twitter-killer, and why do we have to kill Twitter? This is the easy sell here, Twitter wants to silence you. If you think or let me… Look the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Ze-Dong going back to the communist threat, you have like bad thoughts, they define what the bad thoughts are, no, no, no. Free speech here in America, Twitter took that away from you American people, from international users. GETTR is the Twitter-killer full stop. Free speech, that’s what it’s all about. (clap) Rachel: Thank you so much for both of your answers. The way I understand it, I think I’m tired of the old world, Twitter is everything about it, they label you, and they give you racism, you’re agism, but there are borders. You’re from Brazil, you are from China, but in the GETTR world, we’re united. First time, I felt like there’s no border. I can really be a free…, I’ll be free and not fear of consequences. So, I think that’s the excitement about GETTR. It’s all about the future. I have another question for you, Mr. Miller, it’s all about GETTR as well. So, I’ll let you to share about what some of the things you heard from the users about their user experience?I’m sure you’re closely monitoring those information. If you can share with us, what you have received. Mr. Miller: Absolutely. I usually spend probably about an hour every evening just going through comments that I personally receive. I think that’s important for CEOs, someone who’s leading a team and a platform, be very doubted and connected to the users, so I take great pride in that. I think ever since we had, we’ve added our notifications feature, then I think the interaction with comments and responses come together quite a bit. Some of the things I would expect people ask you for additional features come out, that I would have thought of some, I did not know the dark mode for example. There’re fans around the world love dark mode, they’re violently attached to their dark mode, and they get mad that we didn’t have dark mode, we have it now. Just share ruins clear, but it’s a… Look, we do listen to the users platform, we take the feedback, we take it serious. And I think there’s also the sense of truth-telling. I think at GETTR the people are expressing, you know what we can’t tell the truth on Twitter, we can’t tell the truth on Facebook, or we can’t tell the truth in this country, there’ll be people coming after us. So, that’s something I’ve heard quite a bit. The people said that, it’s so great that people from around the world are expressing similar ideals. Mr. Bannon: Look I think you can see the manifestation of what Jason saying comes from engagement. We look at the engagement on GETTR versus engagements anywhere else. I know so many people come over to this platform and the first thing they’re blown away is by how the GETTR community globally is so engaged. They get more reposts, they get more comments, so I think that the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is engagement. people are very engagement, once they made the move to come to GETTR, they see a whole barge of community around the world, talking to each other. I also think that you don’t see the snarky hate as much, and I think it’s very positive, it’s very intends to be what it should be. and I think that’s what take GETTR to another level. You see that engagement. Mr. Miller: And I just had one point that I’ve started sharing in a number of interviews saying that , when I get up in the morning, I actually look forward opening up GETTR and see what people are talking about what’s news, and what’s happening. Or I wake up with Twitter, ah, it’s negative, it’s depressing, everything is just people who don’t like their lives, want you to be miserable also. GETTR, there is a lot of excitement, and wonderful things. To paraphrase my old boss, and all of our old bosses, saying, we wanna make social media fun again. We can convince the people to come and visit the platform once, but if we don’t make it fun, if we don’t keep it fun, they’re not gonna keep coming back. And that continued user base is critical. Miles, I have a broadcast at exact the same time at the other studio, so thank you very much to everybody, it’s been an honour to be with you. I do have this broadcast, so I gotta run. Miles Guo: Thank you, thank you. Mr. Bannon: You notice that ever since he became CEO, he’s like he can’t be bought off for very long. But I do want to add one thing that Jason’s saying at, I think this is so powerful about GETTR is that, the toxicity. Hey look, look, Jason Miller is a very tough guy, Miles Guo is a very tough guy. (Pointing at Navarro)This guy is the toughest guy. I’m pretty tough too. we can take a lot of hate and stuff like that. but there’s a difference between people attacking and toxicity. The power of GETTR I think is it provides a platform that people know that they are not gonna be cancelled on, but they are playing to their better angels, they’re positive, they’re putting information out, they got a platform that they know they’ve built their own community in that platform, that they own their user base, they are not gonna be thrown out. And I think that’s taking GETTR to the next level. I think the key to GETTR is just to get more people on and this community is building, and it’s building in a positive way. You’re seeing that through the engagement, I know Peter he’s comes on. Peter’s got a whole list of things he’s gonna do with Jason. So, remember, GETTR’s only about a hundred days old, under a hundred days old. you compare the first hundred days of GETTR and the first hundred days of Twitter, there’s no comparison. This thing is so much more powerful, and I think that it’s the positive nature of it, the empowerment of it, you see through the engagement. I think that sky is the limit for GETTR. Rachel: Thank you. And I’ll give it back to Nana Nana: Thank you Rachel. So, Mr. Bannon and Mr. Navarro, I have one question for both of you. Seeing Xi JinPing has been so aggressive with his decisions and actions, it could really take an opposite toll on Chinese economy , and seeing Miles working hard, like us too the fellow fighters, when do you think that the New Federal State of China will actually take down the CCP? And when will the US government recognize the New Federal State of China? Thank you. Mr. Navarro: I think it’s already taking down the CCP, you can see the erosion in the financial portion of Chinese economy, and I think the way the authoritarian move of the dictator Xi Jin Ping, now consolidate power is an act of desperation, as Miles Guo leads this new nation offshore of China, and whiten China more and more Laobaixing become totally upset. This whole latest episode, with, is it Evergrande? You see people absolutely incendiary, angry about what’s going on, and that frightens Xi Jin Ping. I don’t think you will see that kind of authoritarianism unless he was fearful. So, what we need to do here in America, Steve’s role, my role, Pompeo’s role, and others’, is to put the pressure on. It’s unfortunate that the election was stolen from Donald Trump, we’re working on getting that back. But in the meantime, you have the illegitimate Biden regime in bed with Xi Jin Ping. It’s not helpful, so we got to keep the pressure on, and that’s what we gonna do here. Mr. Bannon: I wanna step back and just mentioning one thing about the official recognition of the New Federal State versus the take down of the CCP. What the New Federal State, the Whistleblower Movement, the Rule of Law Society and Foundation, the GETTR, G-Fashion, G-Coin, all these. What the world is seeing is a new China, and the new Chinese. And they are seeing what the Chinese can accomplish when they have the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly. And I think that’s come about a lot through the New Federal State of China than these other groups. That is so powerful. Our focus now, and I do believe the New Federal State if the CCP last long enough would be recognized, I think it will be recognized in after 2024. But our focus 100% is to present the new China and the new Chinese every day. The only the CCP’s taken down is by the Chinese people. People in the West can assist, we can help, but the Chinese people, the Laobaixing, have to take it down. We’re at a unique time in Chinese history of what, 10, 15 thousand years? You finally have the diaspora of the Chinese people. Hundreds of millions that have been enormously successful. And that shows every day the lie of this regime. The lie of the regime is the Chinese people on Mainland China, the only people on earth that comes from one of the most ancient and respect civilizations that do not (deserve to) have even a modest amount of freedom. And that is our mission. I think our mission have to focus on taking down this transnational criminal organization that is terrorize, victimize, and brutalize the Chinese nation and the Chinese people. We do that, if we do that, the New Federal State would almost act like a government in exile to present going forward. What’s the new progress? What’s… Why? Listen, I have the greatest respect for Miles, but I was gonna say, I think Miles is the George Washington of the New China. We are talking about a New China and a new Chinese. Chinese have finally had freedom, after millennia of history, they finally (have the) freedom on the outside in the West, and you see how they prosper, you see how they contribute to the society, you see how their family structure, the traditional value of the Chinese are very powerful, and that is why it is so important for us to remain focused on our mission and our mission is to take down the CCP, take down the transnational criminal organization. Mr. Navarro: Steve is absolutely right. Ultimately, it has to come from within China to take down the CCP. But as we know, one of our famous expressions in China, one spark can create a prairie fire. We need that prairie fire, it has to be within China, but this gentleman here is creating a few sparks, and we will keep creating sparks, and help bring that prairie fire along. Mr. Bannon: Our responsibility, Peter and I are taking it very seriously, and other people associated with the Trump Movement, we have a tremendous responsibility to the Chinese people, and that is to stop Western elites in those partnerships with the transnational criminal organization that are making money out of victimization and brutalization of the Chinese people, and to hold them accountable, even to the point of reparation back to the Chinese people for the money they’ve stolen at China that is rightly the earning and the wealth of the Chinese people. This is all gonna come… and we have the responsibility to hammer the elites everyday, whether Steve Schwarzian or Dalio or Fink or all these essential criminal class that has been in partnership, in business with the criminal organization of the Chinese Communist Party. So, that’s our responsibility, and to assist the New Federal State and others. But our focus should be the complete destruction of the Chinese Communist Party, and our support for the New China and the new Chinese. Miles Guo: Thank you sir very much. Thank you sir. I’m not China’s George Washington. I just want to take down the CCP, disappear and go to the mountain. I want hundred girlfriends and enjoy my life. You look all these girls are beautiful. This is new Chinese girl. But they all have husbands, that’s the problem. All married. So, I’m the true-color man, I’m not the CCP lair: Oh, I’m loyal to my wife, I’m loyal to my family, but they are behind the camera, all the camera, they have motel girlfriends, they drink, they steal money, they tell lies, everything’s lie, everything is fake. All the economy, I talked to you in the lunch, China’s real estate total valuation is 90 trillion, 95 trillion, officially, this is 55 trillion, over China GDP 4 times. This must be bankrupt, this is lie. Mr. Navarro: Bubble. Miles Guo: Bubble. Also sir, you the book, you before the book, you talk already, China after is the world disaster economy, is the damage the world. You said it many years ago. You’re in the Brooklyn University say, CCP still we’re big enemy. You. That’s why all Chinese love you. And Steve Bannon, before I met him, I know Bannon is master. He knows the global vision, economy about the CCP, everything. Then, this is why like Mike Pompeo, Mike Pompeo knows exactly all the American troubles found main the reason in the China CCP. That’s evil. CCP definitely is trying to take down the America economy, steal the money, also they want to change America everything. that’s why you as American hero, and Pompeo, and Steve Bannon, the global heroes. You rescued the world, not just for America. I know this, I’m from China, I don’t need any money. Before I have in China 1.3 billion, is the big company. We have 100 billion assets confiscated. In one deal, they penalize my family trust, is 13 billion dollar cash they took. We don’t need money, we (don’t) work for the money. But American trouble is the Wall Street, they’re driven by profit, they only work for money. They sold America. Pension Funds, first is you know I talked to Steve Bannon, and Kyle Bass, and also what’s this guy, the CEO? We together talked to … Mr. Bannon: Oh, Scot Russell. Miles Guo: Yeah, Scot Russell. I said, CCP try, you know they under-the-table corruption to American pension funds CEO. They take the money, they want to kill American old person. Everything. “Miles you’re a lair, you’re crazy. You’re the raper guy, you lair guy, you roamer guy, you gossip”. I don’t care how they talk about me. I just care how can I tell the truth to the West world. You have the dark time now, very big dark power from China, the CCP. Then, December 2019, and January 2020, I was with Steve Bannon together broadcast saying, China has prepared biology weapon and chemical weaponry to take down America. Everything’s happened now, right? That’s sir, you’re, seriously, you don’t understand, you (Navarro) don’t know then, him knows. Steve knows. Steve Bannon always with me together, You’re exactly the hero for 1.4 billion Chinese people. Every one with common sense knows that you’re a big help for us. Mike Pompeo is a big help for us. Also President Trump. You last minute you made the Xinjiang genocide, that’s big help for China and Chinese. And wake up all the global good people, just people. I really appreciate you. Mr. Bannon: We do with Miles, follow up on it is that I’d like to say, two minutes into the Biden administration, two minutes after noon, high noon on the 20th, the Chinese Communist Party sanctioned Pompeo, Putinger, Navarro, and Bannon. Miles Guo: Putinger also is China’s hero. Mr. Navarro: By the way, the only person not in the government at the time, giving me honour being sanctioned by the CCP was Steven K. Bannon. That’s how dangerous this man is. Miles Guo: That’s why you created the New Federal State. Mr. Bannon: By the way, I do aware it’s a badge of honor, but that’s why I’m particularly incentivized to take down the CCP. I cannot ever return to China, until they take them down, as Miles knows I wanna retire in Hong Kong. Mr. Navarro: I guarantee, Steve and I are not planning any casino trips in Macao. That would not be happening. Miles Guo: You know Steve Bannon’s girlfriend is a beautiful, beautiful lady. Beautiful lady. You know, she is always waiting: Steve Bannon, when to take down the CCP, with me go to the Hong Kong Taiping mountain? 班农先生的女朋友非常漂亮,非常非常漂亮,她等待着班农能赢得干倒共产党的这一仗, 跟我们一起,去香港太平山。 Rachel and Nana, you can ask more the question with Bannon, please. Don’t nervous. Don’t nervous, this our family. We are brother, ok, brother and sister, so don’t be nervous. Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon are real people. In person, this is very gentleman, very is true-color, don’t be nervous, please, any question can ask. Also about girlfriend, anything can ask. 问吧。没听声音,Nana。没声音。现在可以了。 Nana: Rachel你想。不。我要开始先问了。没有声音吗?好的,因为我们知道中共国现在有一个防火墙,你知道美国能够帮助中国人将防火墙击倒,那么你们美国政府或者美国的大型科技公司,他们会这样做吗?你们的建议对中国人民和全世界联结起来的方法是什么?好的,非常感谢。 Mr. Navarro:We need Donal Trump back at the White House to do that. We were on the verge of tearing down the firewall. I actually worked on an executive order which would have sanctioned any American company that helped in any way maintaining the Chinese firewall, and Xi probably know that it’s criminal that American companies CISCO, Yahoo!, Google, Microsoft, these American companies are complicit in helping to build and maintain that firewall. Mark Zuckerberg himself praised the Chinese firewall, he actually used, this is criminal on Zuckerberg’s part, he actually hired Chinese Communist Party members who had a skill set in censoring the good people of China. So, you don’t change, requires people who make those changes. if we get Trump back at the White House sooner, rather than later, then that’s the kind of thing we need to do. My view is that Twitter, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, CISCO, these are the American tech companies, they need to be held accountable for the great firewall of China, which is created the greatest digital or wireless prison in history. Mr. Bannon: Your question also is that since we didn’t move hard and fast enough to help stop this outrageous collusion, and that’s what it is, collusion, of American tech companies oligarchs with the criminal organization, the CCP, to basically digitally imprison the Chinese people, Laobaixing. Now, we have a firewall in America, we have a firewall in America, we have a firewall with the same tech oligarchs, because the American political class fought Trump and fought Navarro in the corporate interests of America, wouldn’t let us go after them and stop their enslavement of the Chinese people. And a lesson for the American people if you do…. That’s why if you bounded us together, the Chinese people, the Laobaixing’s freedom is inextricably linked to the freedom of the American people, inextricably linked. We’re partners in this, because we didn’t force those oligarchs to stop working with the criminal organization that enslaved the Chinese people, now we’re partially enslaved. There’s a firewall here in United States. Donald Trump is not on tour racing, GETTR didn’t even exist, because of the firewall. That is the lesson for the world. The enslavement of the Chinese people is not just the Chinese people’s problem, it’s the world’s problem. Because the whole world financial organization and corporate organization is partners with the enslavement. Remember, the slave labor of China drives the entire world economic system. They want the lower wages, do the slave labor of the hard work of the Chinese people, and they take that value that’s created, and the CCP skim some off the top themselves, and then distribute the rest of it to the partners. And they also keeps the wages down to working people throughout the world. That’s not a conspiracy, that’s the way the system works. The reason we didn’t take down the firewall is very simple, Wall Street and the corporations, and the oligarchs, and the silicon valley didn’t want to take them down and put enormous pressure on the Trump administration not to do it, and not have these executive orders signed. And in their enslavement, now American people see how we are enslaved. That’s the lesson. The lesson is the freedom of the Chinese people is the most important act of the first half of this century. And until the Chinese people are free, nobody’s free. So it’s in the self-interests of every person on earth to make sure they assist the Chinese people to take down this transnational criminal organization. Nana: 非常感谢您班农先生,非常感谢您纳瓦罗先生。Eric你有问题吗? Eric:是的,我有问题。好的,非常感谢您班农先生,非常感谢您纳瓦罗先生。这样的感觉我们在质询您,但是我们都不是罪犯。昨天SEC已经证明了我们不是犯罪,但是我的问题是,我是想问有关阿富汗的问题。 我们知道阿富汗所出现的情况是中共在背后作祟,但是在阿富汗到底发生的事情对所有人都感到非常心痛。而且为这13名不幸牺牲的军人,为他们祷告。他们是英雄,同时我们也看到很多,超过180亿的美国军队的装备被丢弃。很多事件都在阿富汗发生,所有的这些事情。班农先生,您如何告诉我们阿富汗发生这些事情在美国和中国之间的关系究竟会有什么样的影响? Mr. Bannon: What happened in Afghanistan one of the most, if not the most important geopolitical thing that happened in the first half of the century. Here’s why. The control of the Eurasian landmass, which is central to the hegemony or the control of the world, is what the Chinese Communist Party trying to do. They don’t care about the economic, they don’t care about the wealth of the Chinese people, they gonna take that wealth and spread it out throughout the rest of the world for control. And now as a gangster regime, they got other gangster partners, North Korea, Pakistan, the mullahs in Iran, Erdogan in Turkey, and Putin in Russia, and a terrorist superstate in Afghanistan, with three groups that American men and women in their 20s, our servicemen, ten thousands, gave their lives in defeat, Taliban, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda, which we all defeated on the battlefield ten years ago, and then crashed the caliphate troops. Trump crashed the ISIS in 18 months, which physically Obama said would take us generations, crashed in 18 months. We defeated those on battlefields, and now we’re in a situation where illegitimate gangster regimes and criminals now working as a global mafia in the first order of business, as it consolidate the Eurasian landmass. And turn essentially everybody into the same slave labour as the Chinese people. And the part of that is to … the western flank is to come in on India, with Burma, with CCP at the back of that, with a focus on the South China Sea and Taiwan. And this is why, in this financial crisis, that is what you have in China right now, financial crisis. A financial crisis that the little guy, the Laobaixing, the honest hardworking Chinese are being wiped out financially. In order to get the eye off the ball of the people at the real estate come and say give me back my money, you’ve stolen my money, to say you’re gonna get it. Now I believe, and the Global Time said it, now they gonna start moving on Taiwan, because they want to control those ships. So we’re heading towards, we’ve warned for years, the Chinese Communist Party is at War, it’s at war with the Chinese people, it’s at war with the West, information and cyber war, and economic war, and now we’re rapidly sliding to a kinetic war. I believe with the factlessness and helplessness of the Biden regime, the way they kowtow to the Chinese Communist Party, and the Chinese Communist Party couldn’t be more rude and arrogant, and they publicly displays a complete disdain for this administration, for its weakness. ’Cause they’re like wolves, they smell weakness, and this is a weak, afraid regime, not like Trump, that they know they won’t stand up, the they know that exactly like they abandoned the good people in Afghanistan, although we have to get out, we would get out, instead of doing it in a proper way and keep Bagram airbase and making sure our allies we are working with are taken care of, just run out in the night like a coward. The CCP knows, and tells the Taiwan people, they didn’t stand up for Hong Kong, they didn’t stand up for Afghanistan, they will stand up for you? They are not. They’re gonna run. And once they take Taiwan, with those chip design, the American economy is gonna implode. And so, we are heading on a path of war because of why, the weakness of the West, the timidity of the West, the cowardliness of the West, beside every opportunity to stand up to these guys, and they only understand force, they only understand smash-mouth, and we still have the ability, technologically and financially, to crash them. And the reason we are not, is we’ve been sold out by the city of London and Wall Street, and the financial institutions throughout the world, and the global corporations that don’t care about the slave labor of the Chinese people. They’re in partnership with them, and we’re rapidly heading to kinetic war, in the South China Sea, Taiwan, and in the Kashmir, and India. And who’s gonna die? A lot of people’s gonna die. You know who’s gonna die? Young Chinese are gonna die. Young Chinese are being taken up into the military, they have no stake in this fight at all. They’re gonna die because this regime, the supreme regime in Beijing. There’s gonna be lots of Chinese young people dying in the battlefield. There’s gonna be a lot of Indians to die in the battlefield. There’s gonna be a lot of Americans to die in the battlefield. We’re gonna have major casualties of young people, their lives thrown away. Why? Because we have criminal entities in Korea, in China, in Pakistan, in Persia, in Tehran, in Iran, in Turkey, and in Russia; and the West is too weak to stand up to it. And the price we’re gonna pay, is gonna dwarf what was paid in WWII, is gonna dwarf what was paid in WWI. All because we haven’t learned the lesson. Until you stand up to these criminals, they are going to act like a Mafia axis, and they are going to continue to fight until they’re destroyed. And that is why that is our mission. Eric: 是的,你很正确的,非常感谢您班农先生。这个世界已经被中共扰乱。我们知道,文贵先生告诉过我们。这是中共在玩一个很大的游戏,包括南海,非常大的一个地区。然后还有这个双龙计划,还有这个一带一路,还有巴基斯坦等等。包括霍尔木兹海峡,苏伊士运河,越来越接近战争。我相信消灭中共,将告诉全世界关于病毒疫苗的真相。我们一定会看到更多光明,我坚信这一点,非常感谢您班农先生。 Rachel: 好的,我回来了,我的网络稍微有点问题,不好意思。我现在回来了。 我有一个问题,你们都可以回答。中共成功渗透了美国的多方面,那么现在作为结果,我们知道陆金所它去年才上市,在美国,10月份时候。 那么有很多这种全球各国的退休基金,包括加拿大,包括加州,包括加拿大教师的这种退休基金,都在里面投资。而且当文贵先生在他直播中提到,当中国股市下降之时,我们知道这个陆金所它的股价下降得非常多。 那么你认为这些退休基金会出什么事?我在加拿大居住,我自己也有这些退休基金,你认为这些人该怎么办? 当出现金融危机之时,这些普通的老百姓该怎么办? Mr. Navarro: We talked about this on War Room Pandemic, Steve showed quite extensively when the dictator Xi Jin Ping made his move on some tech companies, and we saw 400 billion dollars shaved in market cap from these firms. And that was money lost to these pension funds here in American , and Steve made a great point, I mean it’s hard enough to get back subnormal returns in a year. Let’s say you got a pension fund investing and you know it’s gonna earn a certain return so they can pay out their retirees as it goes forward in time. And if it misses that mark, it’s hard enough to get that back in the next year and years following. And you actually have a significant loss of your capital, the principal, you’ll never get it back, and so what it means, and the reason why Washington DC is not acting on it like it should, it’s a slow motion crisis with a very bad ending, so that we here in American are really facing in many places pension-liability crisis, where the money will run out because these pension firms are underfunded. By the way, this is all being exacerbated by world market conditions, where we had literally years of low interests, no interests trading environment where it’s very difficult for these pension companies to reform. Withe the Chinese Communist Party’s done already and is continuing to dos put American pension funds at extreme risk of default. It’s this argument that should be made literally every day in Washington for basically preventing the American pension funds from investing into Chinese Communist Party. The worst part is you got US military retirees having their pension funds first being invested in the Chinese Communist Party. This is got to stop, but as Steve said our elections have consequences, the stolen election has catastrophic consequences. This is one of the many things that are play. I think Steve might have a few words in this as well. Mr. Bannon: No, I 100% agree. One of the problem of allowing pension funds to finance basically the enslavement of the Chinese people, it’s obscene. And now, at a stroke of a pen, Xi can eliminate masses amount of pension fund money. But remember, It’s got a commonality, Xi doesn’t care, Xi doesn’t care besides control the tech CEO and wipes out working class people’s pensions in United States, they don’t care about the United States people, because they don’t care about their own Chinese people. What’s happening right now in Evergrande and every Chinese company like that, is an entire generation of Chinese, who worked very hard but make very little, but carved out, because there’s no social safety net that save 50cents for every dollar, and want to as a good household and good citizen and put it to work and put it in a good company and get a return on it. They are not looking to be filthy rich off this, but just save it and put it away Mr. Navarro: Vaccine companies?here’s what I find interesting, I go back I should mention I have this book just come out in Trump time. It’s available for pre-order on Amazon. In that, I talked a lot about how back in February 2020, we saw the CCP virus was coming, and there’s likely going to be a pandemic. See, Bannon here in January 2020 actually name the show called War Room Pandemic. This was 2 months before the World Health Organization. Mr. Bannon: That’s because of Miles Guo, and we could not broadcast that show in China. We were watch Peter Navarro in the East Room signing the China Deal. At the same time, the virus is breaking out. Mr. Navarro: And here’s the point, when I was writing these memos to the White House Task Force, We thought about attacking the pandemic with a 5 vector strategy. One of them was the vaccine, we hope we could get more and more vaccine. But there’re also other things in plane, including a therapeutics. Here’s the thing, most people who get the CCP virus have very low risk of death. For them, they should not and need not to do the vaccine, what they need though is early treatment uses therapeutics, and back in those memos in February 2020, we identified these therapeutics and they need to have them. So, what happened was this was because of the big pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines, somehow the strategy morphed into a vaccine only strategy, and the federal government actually suppressed literally the use of therapeutics, like hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin. They literally made it a crime for physicians to prescribe these drugs, to help people. If you take hydroxychloroquine for example, you’d got bad reputation, because of the smear campaign. But if you administer that within the first 7 days, you’re likely to survive and find everything being OK, build up strong on antibodies. Mr. Bannon: But, but, but, the first advocate of hydroxychloroquine is Miles Guo. What it saved? Tens of millions of people. Mr. Navarro: I in fact have a little story for you. I was in the defence policy coordinator at the White House, I had 65 million tablets of hydroxychloroquine, and I was in the process of dispensing them around the United States of America, and the FDA and Fauci came in and issued a directive that basically shot hydroxychloroquine. At the time, I didn’t understand why, but as it go forward in time, becoming clearer and clearer to me that the pharmaceutical companies all they want is to sell the vaccine. So, in order to sell the vaccine, they have to suppress the use of the therapeutics. So, I think this the circle we are in now. If you go to different countries around the world, there’s a lot of countries understand the therapeutics are important. But to your point, these vaccines, look, if you’re elderly, and/or you have comorbidity, get vaccinated. But the problem is this thing has two qualities we call it leaky and non-durable. Leaky means that even if you get vaccinated you can still get the virus, so you saw that with the delta variant. That’s not good. Non-durable means that they only last for 4-6 months, so you have to get so-called booster shots. But they are not even booster shots, because the original virus, Miles, it doesn’t exist anymore. Miles Guo: Yes, I agree. Mr. Navarro: It’s like … Mr. Bannon: What he said, Miles said there’s gonna be ten thousands of these. Overtime you think you cured one, they’re gonna drop another one out there. Mr. Navarro: So, you’re using a vaccine which is designed to defend you against the virus that no longer exist. The new mutation has a totally different name. So, the point is that the pharmaceutical companies are making a bunch of money on this. The Biden regime, and Fauci in particular, criminal , is basing his whole reputation in administration on the vaccine saving the world when we know already that it won’t, and people are dying, and that’s the tragedy of it all. Mr. Bannon: Listen, I don’t, look, I don’t believe we are going to make any real progress if we don’t put this thing back of us. Whatever vaccine, until you get into the Wuhan Lab, and see how exactly this thing… Mr. Navarro: Wuhan Lab is Bioweapon Lab, let’s be clear about that. Mr. Bannon: Bioweapon’s Lab. Think about this for a second, this is how little the transnational criminal organization, the Chinese Communist Party cares about its people who are the biggest victims, you know why? In a city of 14 million people, they put a P4, a pathogen 4, Laboratory that’s also a bioweapons lab, which is more dangerous than having a live nuclear weapons into the middle of a city. That’s how little respect they have for the Chinese people. Nothing more than that. Until we get in there with a international consortium, and a big part of that should be the Chinese that have left in the diaspora that have left China, to go back with the Japanese and Americans and Europeans, Australians, and others, and get to the bottom of exactly how it was created, what aspects it has of it, everything, we are not really ever gonna pass this thing. That’s why you’ve the mutations, and the scientist would all known that you could chase this messenger RNA in vaccines, until you build up hoard immunity, and building uno hoard immunity, you’re gonna lose a lot of people. A lot of people are gonna die, and the process of getting natural hoard immunity, we are not getting to the bottom of this. And look, of all the criticism given to Miles Guo, in the media like that, I say hey in January, or late December, in 19, he was telling there’s a SARS thing coming at us. I came up here to New York city to do our traditional annual broadcast for 3 days of Chinese New Year, when Peter actually kind of started the first day in the East Wing of the huge signing ceremony. Liu He led a whole delegation over there, and Miles’ telling me hey there’s not gonna be a Chinese New Year, and I said why. Miles said they got a SARS plague coming out of Wuhan, they are about to shut down Hubei province which is the size of France, and they gonna quarantine Wuhan, which is 40% bigger than New York city, we have’t got pass that yet. And until we do that, there will be incremental, small pieces of progress, but more devastation. And the economic carnage we have’t even addressed with yet, the world keeps printing money and that is all gonna be devastations, part of that, the unattended consequences for the regime is the problem in Evergrande right now. Part of the supply chains in China all completely busted. Why? Companies like Mitsubishi, companies like Sumsung, I can’t deal with these guys anymore, this criminal organization could change anything, they look at the tech companies there and say they are going to decapitate the management, you can’t deal with criminals, cause they can change the rules on you. And the unattended consequences of them allowing this bioweapon out on the Chinese people first, is destroying the understructure, and the natural power of the Chinese economy. And that’s what they are suffering, and that implosion with all the world debt, and how the regime try to save themselves, criminal partners are going to lead us into a world war. People under the age of 30 years old in China, in India, up in Kashmir, in the South China Sea and Taiwan, and the United States of America are all gonna die. Violent death for no reason than we didn’t stand up to a bunch of criminals and allowed people in the West to make money. I want to be brutally frank about what this is about, that’s what this is about. And history’s gonna judge all of us, all of us, on what we did at this time to stop that. Miles Guo: I could win. This time I see Steve Bannon and me meeting together every day 3 to 4 times call you about the COVID, give you the intelligence. everything give you information. You call back, I give you update what’s going on in China. You’re a big hero in America, You’re the first people, government high rank can help the people. That’s why I know, I could be a good witness, 2020, January, February with Bannon we phone call many times. Mr. Bannon: That 65 million you had one time, …65 million hydroxychloroquine… Mr. Navarro: Let me do a math for you OK? It’s a $12 drug for a full 7-day treatment, about 14-15 tablets, like 50 cents a piece, right? So, 65 million tablets, would have been able to treat 4 million infected Americans in early treatment use. Miles Guo: That’s genocide. Mr. Bannon: Genocide. Miles Guo: Yes, absolutely genocide. Mr. Navarro: If you assume up to 70% reduction in mortality rate, which is what the science teaches us right now. That’s 20 to 40 to 50 thousand dead right now because of that Tony Freaking Fauci. Miles Guo: Not only that. Mr. Bannon: That’s as many as we lost in Vietnam by the way. 12 or 10 years of war in Vietnam, we lost 50 thousand. Mr. Navarro: On the head of this building here used to be where the tower for news networks was. CNN, right? Miles Guo: CNN’s here and CNN here, now CNN go out. Mr. Bannon: Coward CNN. Mr. Navarro: And CNN was a willing accomplice with Fauci in suppressing the use of hydroxychloroquine. It’s described in what I called the In Trump Time book that’s coming out, hydroxy hysteria, they formed in many this hydroxy hysteria. If you look back at it now, you say old people are gonna die if you use hydroxychloroquine, nobody died. And there’s plenty of people using hydroxychloroquine, how many people died who have’t used it? So, over 4 million people worldwide, over 600 thousand Americans, and who knows how many people died in communist China, because the government ain’t talking. Miles Guo: More than 10 million I believe. But I don’t believe also American 600 thousand people. I don’t believe it. Mr. Bannon: You mean many more. Miles Guo: I think more. Mr. Bannon: I think so. Just like China, just have 3 thousand died in China Miles Guo: Now, the COVID, you know, the vaccine is worse than the COVID. You know the vaccine can kill many people, real mask you can see, all the street, the parent driving the car, immediately by accident die because of the COVID vaccine. That’s the more major murder. Mr. Navarro: The most dangerous part of the vaccine for the world, and we just brought here for you the work of Dr. Malone on the Steve show, Dr. Malone was the direction in vein detect technology, he created the vaccine. The problem is when you the vaccine for the CCP virus, you basically use spike protein, and it’s a custom-tailored vaccine that only deals with a portion of the over all disease, and it’s palsy universal vaccination, if you universally vaccinated everybody, we know from virology that if we mutation away from that universal vaccination, and thereby the danger is creating a super-virus. Miles Guo: You know every vaccine shot contains 40 trillion units inside. Who can tell you what is inside 40 trillion go to your DNA. I ask everybody, Could you tell me where from the COVID? You don’t know where from the COVID, how can you make the antibody vaccine? When you take the vaccine, you take the responsibility. You don’t take responsibility. You want people take the vaccine, you want people take 40 trillion, that’s crazy. That’s why I ask all the people, to the Middle East, one prince and one princess, they call me: “uncle Miles, I love you”. I say, “do you take vaccine”? “Oh I take 5 shots”. 5 shots! “Everybody take 5 shots”. I asked, “why”? “Because I’m rich. I can take 5 shots, I want to try 6 shot”. One shot 40 trillion pieces. I say, “you 5 shots, it’s 200 trillion pieces put in your body”. I say, “you waiting next year bring you to the cemetery 100%”. That’s the crazy. Mr. Navarro: Dangerous, We’re in very dangerous path now, very dangerous. Miles Guo: Sir, you many years ago talks the CCP is the global threat, terrorism. You taught this. Mr. Navarro: You know this, in 2006 I wrote the Coming China War. In that book, I predicted that there would be a pandemic created by China. I predicted that in 2006, I talked about that in the book In Trump Time. That’s why I was sitting in the meeting in January 15, 2020, with the President, and knowing what you told Steve everything, and I’m like very very fearful about what ’s about to happen. Mr. Bannon: Just want to make sure, In Trump Time— My Journal of the Plague Year, We should get the cover, we want all Chinese to own this book, and see what really happened. Miles Guo: 大家要记住啊,我们的彼得纳瓦罗啊,(对纳瓦罗)I’ll talk your book. 兄弟姐妹们,我们的彼得纳瓦罗有一个新的书。 你们可以找到新书的名字吗?给放出来。我希望我们的战友们都去买我们的彼得纳瓦罗的书。What’s the name? Mr. Bannon, Mr. Navarro: IN-TRUMP-TIME. Miles Guo: In Trump Time, 在川普的时间里,In Trump Time Mr. Navarro:What it means is we had a culture in the White House where “in Trump time” means fast, and efficient. If we do something in Trump time, Jason Miller was saying we do it in 3 days that would be in Trump time; if yu take 6 days instead that is not in Trump time. So we do things in Trump time. Mr. Bannon: In Trump Time — My Journal of the Plague Year. Dr. Peter Navarro is amazing. I just want to add one thing in summary about the meeting. There’s the book. the cover right there, thank you. Miles Guo: Oh, Here, here. Mr. Bannon: So beautiful, look at that. Ain’t that great? It’s on Amazon, please order it. Mr. Navarro: Miles is in chapter one. Mr. Bannon: Yeah, Miles is … you got a… Ain’t that power? Ain’t that power? Miles Guo: That’s a real American man. Real american man. That’s why you sir real American man. American man in all the government now is Justice, big boss. Look now, too many weak men, is no fight back. CCP want kill your family, CCP steal your job, CCP steal your money, why you don’t fight back? You kowtow with CCP for small money. You lose the future, you lose your family. You are only true-color American, real man. I love the book. 大家都要去买这书啊。No on the market the book? Mr. Bannon: No, no, you go to Amazon, go to Amazon. Miles Guo: 哦,对,亚马逊买啊, Mr. Bannon: Go to Amazon and order it right now. Miles Guo: Amazon,亚马逊 ,Amazon,亚马逊,OK。We want to translate this into Chinese and Japanese. 8.9 million (viewers) now. Mr. Bannon: (to Miles) We will get this book for you. Miles Guo: 8.9, this is outside, not inside. Mr. Bannon: We will get this book translated into Mandarin, and to Cantonese, and to Japanese. Quickly. Miles Guo: 说到这儿,Last question, and then we’re finish today the broadcast. I really honoured you coming, I really honour Mr. Steve. Mr. Navarro: Honoured to be here. Mr. Bannon: Honoured to be here. Miles Guo: I’m really honoured. Now ever, you representative, ambassador… Mr. Navarro: George Washington. Mr. Bannon: George Washington of the Chinese people, of China. Miles Guo: No, no, no, I’m just small guy. (to Bannon) This is my master, (to Navarro) now is my master. Brothers. So, you are the ambassador to the New Federal State. Mr. Navarro: Yes. Miles Guo: I want to make the New Federal State really happen. Also you are the representative, the ambassador for GETTR. Mr. Navarro: Yes. Miles Guo: So, this is the killer to the Twitter. Mr. Bannon: Twitter-killer. Miles Guo: Twitter-killer. So, my masters, also Jason Miller. I hope soon we can see Mike Pompeo, Putinger, we’ll all together. That’s the real American men. We need fight back. You don’t know how many Chinese love you, really appreciate you. Mr. Bannon: We love the Chinese. Miles Guo: You look at the people, China’s Mainland now this is midnight, 3 or 4 o’clock , China’s with no sleep they are here. and many people you know they are here. That’s outside, nearly 9 million. I think inside more than 70 million, maybe more than 100 million people watch. Mr. Bannon: We all love the Chinese people. Miles Guo: That’s big, that’s big, sir. In America now, everybody work for money, We the New Federal State, work for justice. We want take down the CCP. We seriously want to take down the CCP. So, Everybody, we really appreciate the team today is the good job. This is job so good. Same the Afghani’s the level. Our broadcast same the Afghani’s level. Too great job, but we are you know, we are only for the world to know the truth. Technically, no important. So really appreciate. Where’s Rachel? Where is Nana, Eric? I really like Rachel, Nana, and Eric ask questions, beautiful. Last minute, you can ask one question, everybody some questions, then we finish today’s live-stream. Thank you. Eric: 我能否问一个问题,就是美国什么时候正式的承认新中国联邦呢,谢谢。 Mr. Bannon: I think definitely we will have it some time after 2024 when Trump takes the White House back. I think the earliest would be, because the Biden administration will never do that. Even when we take back the House in 2022, we’ll take back the House, it will be after 2024. But you know what? Let’s take down the CCP before the New Federal States got… Mr. Navarro: You know what? Let’s take Trump back to the White House before 2024. They stole our election. This man (pointing to Mr. Bannon) is working on the forensic audit, decertification of election in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Mr. Bannon: Off the Navarro Report. Mr. Navarro: Wisconsin, and we can’t wait for 2024. The country is falling apart. Mr. Bannon: I agree. Eric: 这个比宾西法尼亚州的发传票是很重要的。 Mr. Bannon: This guy is always watching our show. Rachel: 谢谢,我们能够有时间再邀请你们参加直播,我也很期待再次采访你们,也非常喜欢你们今天给我们的答案,谢谢。 Mr. Bannon: Thank you very much. Thank you. Miles Guo: Nana. Nana: 我有一个问题,我们都知道我们和美国证监会进行了和解,我们知道他们做了很多事情想要打垮G-TV,我们可能会失去我们的执照,我们不能在美国进行任何的项目,但是现在我们和解了,您怎么看呢?谢谢。 Mr. Bannon: I think it shows no matter what CCP does, it can’t take down the movement, the Whistleblower Movement, the New Federal State of China, the rule of low, GTV and GNews, are 5 times bigger than a year ago. Here’s what I think is very sad, is because this CCP put some people involve in that it caused a lot of rockets. The Chinese people are not gonna get a chance to participate at least initially in the great worth of GNews and GTV. Remember, these are news operations, are the voice of the free China, the new China and the new Chinese. So hopefully that will all work out over time. Because we wanna make sure that the Chinese people prosper, when they have the opportunity to prosper. So, for me it’s a shame that the CCP was able to get involved on this thing in the margined caused a lot of rockets. So going forward, I think we got to be very careful, have the guard to take down everything, including any opportunity that the Chinese people get any prosperity. That was the one thing of the five yokes: keep them too hungry, too hard of work, no free time in their hand, no ability to have any type of wealth creation. You know, treat them like slaves, and that just shows you the Chinese Communist Party’s mentality. Hopefully, we will work through that. Miles Guo: You know, finally, last night, I have the big conference call with the GTV investors in Europe, they say before we moved out the chairman is the Bannon, now we need Bannon back maybe. I said, yes, this is a good suggestion. Bannon is the GTV’s chairman, founder. With too much political, you know recently we move the chairman out. But maybe we’ll remove back. Now this is the miracle, nobody believe we can settle with SEC. It’s CCP use warfare legally, Mr. Bannon: Law fare. Miles Guo: Law fare (firm) is the Arizona, But SEC, Bannon is doing a good job. They don’t penalty with GTV, Saraca. they just settle, give them money. 30 million not big money, OK. But this is very important, our investors, 100%, only ten people get back money, 99.9% still want to invest back. That’s unbelievable! This is my big honour. Another one, yesterday, we have the conference call, the valuation of GTV is 60 billion dollar. Before is 2 billion dollar, so obeyer we got 30 times growth. Another one, very important is the attorney James the lady, and her husband. Nobody believes that James can settle, no more investigations, yesterday the lady made the decision, no penalty, zero. I really, I really… I want to make the letter say the attorney James, the lady’s so great, also same like us, we are also not white people. She’s the black people, I’m the asian, yellow people. This justice, I really appreciate. That’s a big honour, never happened in America. Mr. Bannon: Yes. What I do agree with Miles is I think it’s the time now to bring the “black-hand” of Bannon to the GTV. Thank you guys, thank you guys very much. Miles Guo: 放音乐,咱们这就结束了,放音乐吧。谢谢了,Rachel,谢谢Nana,Eric. Thank you very much. All: Take down the CCP !Take down the CCP !Take down the CCP !Take down the CCP !Take down the CCP !Take down the CCP ! Miles Guo: 好我们今天就直播到此,谢谢兄弟姐妹们,谢谢。 ******End****** 温哥华扬帆农场七哥直播听写组 中文版听写: 温哥华扬帆农场:Peter哥 多伦多枫叶农场:软红香土 英国伦敦喜庄园:胖丁 英国伦敦喜庄园:杯酒渐浓 纽约香草山农场:风起云间(文敏) 纽约香草山农场:鹰(文言) 英文版听写: 温哥华扬帆农场:Peter哥 整合校对/要点提取: 温哥华扬帆农场:Peter哥 温哥华扬帆农场:shuang 总校对: 温哥华扬帆农场:Peter哥 审核发布: 温哥华扬帆农场:shuang 全文发布稿总审核: 温哥华扬帆农场:文敏 Gnews 2021.09.16 |
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