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翻译 U盘里面的16分钟的关于海航视频字幕中英文对照

发布者: xiaomifeng | 发布时间: 2018-11-25 20:35| 查看数: 2988| 评论数: 0|帖子模式



Before we go into talking about Wang Jian,perhaps we can first learn a bit more about HNA, Where he had been the chairman of the board 在我们谈王健之前, 或许我们应该先了解一下他曾担任董事会主 席海航。

It was also a vital core of the news I broke last year.

HNA was previously Hainan airlines Holdings Company limited in corporated in 1998
海航前身是成立于 1998 年的海南航空控股有限公司

Its principal business lies in air transportation industry completed with the integration of airport services industry.
其主要业务在于航空运输业, 同时它也完成了机场服务业的整合

After constant expansion,HNA has business in various industries including hotel, tourism, Retail, logistic, financial services and others
经过不断的扩张,海航在各个行业都有业务,包括酒店,旅游,零 售,物流,金融服务等

With the developments lasted more than 2 decades,HNA group has transformed from a 10 million state funding Startup into a private enterprise with over a trillion asset
随着 20年的持续发展,海航集团已经从一个 1000 万的国企转变 为拥有超过一万亿资产的私营企业

In 2017 HNA was listed NO 170 among the world tops 500 companies ranked by fortune magazine
2017 年,
海航在“财富”杂志评选的全球 500 强企业中名列第 170 位

There was a figure behind the impetuous expansion of HNA that we must not overlook. That is Wang Qishan

The first time Wang Qishan working together with Chen Feng. Wang Qishan was the general manager of china rural trust Investment Company
王岐山与陈峰的第一次合作是在他担任中国农村信托投资公司的总 经理。

At that time, Chen Feng resigned from his job In the civil aviation administration in china ( CAAC) And went to assist Wang Qishan in  china rural trust
那时陈峰辞去了中国民航总局的职务,转投王岐山协助他在中国农 村信托基金的工作。

His primary responsibility was to get funding from the World Bank, Later, Chen Feng granted a 300 million us dollars loan from the World Bank for the procurement project of chemical fertilizer. He often mentioned this anecdote when he had press interviews in the early years
他的主要工作就是申请来之世界银行的。陈峰曾经获得一笔 3 亿美元的世界银行的贷款用来资助一项化肥采购项目。他早年接受媒体 采访时津津乐道此事。

He also claimed that there was not another subsequent case acquiring load in such way
Owing to that, Chen Feng at the time was quite well-known
他还声称因为这他当时小有名气,因为这之后再没有人以这种方式 获得贷款,

In 1998 Hainan officially became a province,The Provincial governor wanted to establish its own airline company
1998 年海南正式成为中国的一个省,当时的省长想成立一家海南 自己的航空公司。

And so he found Chen Feng who was not only graduated from the institute of transport administration He also had working experiences in CAAC,
他找到了陈峰,因为陈峰不仅毕业于运输管理学院,而且还在民航 总局工作过。

It was how Chen Feng became the assistant to the Hainan Provincial governor in the air transport affair office mainly he was responsible for the organization,And establishment of an airline company for Hainan province.
陈峰就这样成为海南省省长的助手 并在航空运输事务办公室任 职,主要负责组织为海南省成立航空公司。

Wang Jian also participated in the preparatory work at the time. Finally in 1993 Hainan airline opened up its first air route from Haikou to Beijing.
王建也参与了当时的准备工作。终于在 1993 年,海南航空公司开 通了从海口到北京的第一条航线。

Let’s take a look again at Wang Qishan. The several years subsequent to his departure from china rural trust. He has assumed positions as president of china construction bank. President of people’s bank of china. Member of Guangdong province provincial committee and others。
让我们再来看看王岐山。他离开中国农村信托后的几年。曾担任中 国建设银行行长,中国人民银行主席,广东省委委员等职务。

In 2002 he became secretary to the provincial committee of Hainan province。 This is the second time that Wang Qishan crossed path with Chen Feng。
2002 年王岐山成为海南省省委书记,这是王岐山与陈峰人生第二 次的交集。

In the same period of time, under the leadership of Chen Feng and Wang Jian. Hainan airline completed its preparatory work on the organization.
同一时期,在陈峰和王健的领导下。海南航空公司完成了它组织成 立的筹备工作。

Within a year it completed the number of M&A including Haikou Melian international airport. Air chang an, Xinhua airlines and Shan xi airline
一年之内,它完成了包括海口梅联国际机场,长安航空,新华航空 公司和山西航空公司 在内的多项并购活动。

We can also observe along that the development of HNA. And Wang Qishan’s career in the government are closely correlated.
我们还可以发现海航的发展是与王岐山在政府中的职业生涯息息相 关的。

After Wang Qishan left Hainan, he then held the position of mayor of Beijing, he prepared and organized the Beijing Olympics. Soon afterward his career is like a high noon sun.
王岐山离开海南后,他担任了北京市市长,组织并举办了北京奥运 会。从那之后,王岐山的仕途如日中天。

HNA asset value at this point has multiplied. By using different methods like financing expansion, asset and equity mortgage.
这一时期的海航资产通过融资扩张,资产和股权抵押,系统内的资 金流动以及信托和基金融资等方式成倍增长。

Money flow within system and trust and fund financing. The initial $10 million has turned into a total asset value of rmb 55.3 billion at the end of 2009.
由最初的 1000 万美元变成 2009 年底总资产价值人民币 553 亿 元。

This was only the beginning in 2012 Wang Qishan was elected as member of the central politburo standing committee. He was responsible for central committee of discipline inspection.
这只是开始。2012 年王岐山当选为中央政治局常委。负责主管中 央纪律检查委员会。

In the following years there were at least 1.2 million of government officials national fallen from their positions. Anti-malfeasant, crime crackdown. Certainly it is necessary within Chinese communist party.
在这之后的几年里,至少有 120 万名政府官员因为男女不正当关 系,涉嫌犯罪而落马。当然,这一切在中国共产党内部看起来是清党所必须的。

However the anti-corruption campaign led by Wang Qishan without a sound of a sign has turned its course becoming an exclusionary political struggle.
然而,王岐山领导的反腐运动已然成为一场有针对性的党内政治斗 争和对异己的清洗。

Among the fallen officials, there were Zhou Yongkang and Ling Jihua such big time corrupt leaders. And also those who had offended Wang Qishan during the Liu Zhihua investigation。 Their fate is doomed。
在这些落马的官员中,既有周永康和令计划这样的大老虎, 还有 那些在刘志华案调查中得罪王岐山的官员,注定他们也是要被清算的。

In addition there were Ma Jian previously from ministry of public security and Meng Huiqing from CCDI and others were shuang guied and sentenced successively.
此外还有原公安部部长马健和来自中纪委的孟慧卿等人先后被双规 和判刑。

CCDI under the leadership of Wang Qishan and the ministry of public security under the leadership of Meng Jianzhu worked together like hands in gloves.
这时候王岐山领导下的中纪委和孟建柱领导下的公安部更是左右开 弓密切配合着这场反腐运动。

To say that they have unstrained power is an understatement in the name of anti-corruption.

Dig up “heicai liao” of political opponents. Plunder possessions, feather their own nests. Rid of any hindrance ahead for the business aligned with self-interest. Green light on policies and funding all the way. They are aptly named True kleptocrats as they cleaned out grafts with grafts, with police.
通过揭底政治对手的所谓“黑材料”,掠夺他们的财产,剿檄对手党 羽,从而为利己的政策和资金流动清除阻碍,大开绿灯。他们名副 其实成为以贪反贪,以警反贪的盗国集团。

Meanwhile HNA’s expansion is undaunted and triumphant. In 2015 HNA total assets has jumped directly up to $ 500 billion. 10 times of $ 50 billion odd that was 6 years ago. It has 10 public companies which were either share holding companies or subsidiaries,
与此同时海航的扩张更是一路高歌。 2015 年,海航总资产巨增至5000 亿美元。这是 6 年前 500 亿资产的 10 倍。拥有 10 家上市控 股公司或子公司。

While Wang Qishan’s position continuously strengthened and solidified. His deterrent force in the official circle mounting.
王岐山的地位也不断加强和巩固,在中共权力高层中的威慑力越来 越大。

HNA’ expansion oversees is close to be frantic. We can chart it in simple way from 2013 to 2017. From the news describing HNA overseas M&A. we can arrive at a conclusion very easily.
海航的海外扩张更是接近疯狂。我们用从 2013 年到 2017 关于海 航海外并购的的新闻绘制一个简单的图表, 就可以得出这样的结论。

For instance February 2013 HNA acquired 20% equity interest of a Spanish hotel. May 2015 HNA subsidiary acquired 6.2 % equity interest. South African Comair airline with $ 13 million USD. In July RMB 17.5 billion acquired 100% equity interest of a Swiss firm. In September a subsidiary invested $ 2.555 billion USD acquiring an aircraft financial leasing company. In November acquiring 23.7% equity interest in Brazil airline with $ 1.05 billion USD.
例如 2013 年 2 月,海航收购了西班牙酒店 20%的股权。2015 年 5 月,海航子公司收购了南非 Comair 航空公司,价值 1300 万美元 6.2%的股权。7 月,人民币 175 亿元收购了一家瑞士公司的 100% 股权。 9 月,一家子公司投资 25.55 亿美元收购了一家飞机融资租 赁公司。11 月以 10.5 亿美元收购巴西航空公司 23.7%的股权。

These HNA M&A abroad happened after Wang Qishan first took up. His position in CCDI.  In the course of 2-3 years. HNA’s M&A abroad also became extravagant and unscrupulous.
我们可以看到这些海航的海外并购是发生在王岐山掌管中纪委之后 的 2-3 年内,并购的规模之大速度之快令人瞠目结舌。

In 2016 more than 10 major M&A that were executed or reached consensus. Including in January 18th, HNA acquired the world’s largest IP product. Distributor Ingram micro with $ 6 billion. In April 12th acquired Swiss Arline catering firm with $ 1.5 billion. In July 6th acquired an aircraft financial leasing. Company with $ 1.975 billion in cash. In oct 8th acquired US aircraft financial leasing company with $ 10 billion. In Oct 24th acquired 25% equity interest of Hilton hotel from Blackstone with $ 6.5 billion.
Entering into 2017 HNA impetuous M&A spree has not halted. In January 19th acquired managerial ownership of hedge fund Company funded by scraramucci with $ 200 million. In April 3rd acquired 51% of the petroleum storage business from glencore pic with $ 775 million in cash. In may twice increase share holding to 9.92%. in Deutsched bank become major shareholder.
在 2016 年,就执行和达成 10多项主要并购交易共识。包括 1 月 18 日,海航完成全球最大的 IP 产品。分销商 ingram micro60 亿美元的收购。 4 月 12 日以 15亿美元的价格收购瑞士 arline 餐饮公 司。 7 月 6 日收购飞机融资租赁。公司现金 19.75 亿美元。在 8 月 8 日,以 100 亿美元收购了美国飞机融资租赁公司。10 月24日,从黑石集团以 65亿美元的价格收购了希尔顿酒店 25%的股权。 进 入 2017 年,HNA 大肆的并购狂潮并没有停止。 1 月 19日收购了 由 scraramucci 以 2 亿美元资助的对冲基金公司的管理所有权。 4 月 3 日以7.57 亿美元现金从 Glencore pic 手中收购了 51%的石油 储存业务。并在两次增持的德意志银行股票份额至 9.92%成为其大 股东。

We only listed the more significant cases. For smaller cases there were countless to be found.

After June HNA’s expansion halted abruptly on the contrary, some information showed that even certain M&A projects.  That had reached agreement was also put on hold. In fact international markets started to feel alarmed with way of HNA expansion.
2017 年6 月海航集团的扩张突然停止,一些达成协议的并购项目 也被搁置了。事实上,国际市场开始对海航扩张的方式感到震惊。

What caused all this to happen?  We need to start looking at the news I exposed. I just mentioned that I started to appear in interviews in January 2017. After close to 6 months’ time, my news breaking and my story captured A lot of attention from the Chinese communities domestically in china and abroad. As well as from the international Medias.
大家想想看造成这一切的原因是什么?这就要从我最初的曝料开始 讲起。我在2017 年 1 月开始接受采访,在这之后接近 6 个月的时 间里,我的爆料开始被国内外华人以及国际媒体密切关注。

This also pressured the kleptocrats using CCP official media for cleaning work.

For examples last year I revealed partially of the flying record of Wang Qishan’s family private jet. In these records there are names of Yao Mingshan and Yao Qing and others, frequently flew together with the senior officers of HNA.
比如我去年透露了王岐山家族私人飞机的飞行记录。这里面有有姚 明姗和姚庆等人经常与海航的高级官员一起飞行的记录。

Moreover after becoming member of CCDI Wang Qishan’s private jet has changed to the Boeing 787 Dreamliner which was purchased.  By HNA and the cost to fly is USD 74k per hour. The luxurious customized design of the interior of the aircraft was all done by the family of Wang Qishan.
另外王岐山掌管中纪委后,他的私人飞机也变波音787 梦想飞机。 这架 787 的飞行成本为每小时 74,000 美元。飞机内部的豪华设计是由王岐山家族成员私家定制的。

Although from the news on CCTV they described this is a commercial flight not a private jet of any individual.  Anyone can rent it for use.
虽然中央电视台的新闻把这家飞机描述商用而不是私家飞机,声称 何人都可以租用它。

However it showed on the flying record that this 787 aircraft only served the family of Wang Qishan. Why would that be? There was never any record of anyone else renting it using it. Not once.
然而它的飞行记录显示,这架 787 飞机只被用来服务王岐山的家族。为什么会这样?而且没有任何人使用它租用它的记录,一次也没有。

Isn’t it already demonstrated clearly the connection between HNA group and wang qishan and family?
这不是就已经清楚地证明了海航集团与王岐山及其家人之间的联 系?

Not only background information was exposed .July 16th while I was interviewed by the mirror TV. Revealed those who claimed to be “one needs to be hard and tough to be the blacksmith”. And as member of CCDI Wang Qishan in fact an “naked official”
我在2017 年 7 月 16 号接受明镜电视采访的时候, 就爆料了王岐 山与海航之间的这种关系内幕。王作为中纪委书记,他在内部的讲话口口声称“打铁还需自身硬”,而他自己却是一位名副其实的裸官。

I also brought the information to the open such as the names of his family. Yao mingshan, Yao mingduan, Sun fengshan , Sun yao, Liu chengjie and Guan jun and others as well as their us passports, US social security numbers and the addresses of their US residence.
我当时还把王岐山在美国的家人信息公布出来,包括姚明山,姚明 端,孙凤山,孙瑶,刘成杰,贯军等人以及他们的美国护照,美国 社会安全号码和美国居住地址。

In July 17th I revealed the overseas bank account numbers of HNA’s Chen feng.  And Wang jian and others together with the balance carried in those accounts.as well as the connection between HNA and Wang qishan and family.  For that the mysterious shareholding structure of HNA. And the major shareholder Guan Jun surface. 在 7 月 17日视频直播中,我又爆料了海航陈峰,王健等人的海外 银行账号,和这些账号中的资产。以及海航与王岐山和家人之间的关系。这其中就涉及到海航内部股权中的神秘大股东,他就是贯君。

It generated great public interest.  July 17 the same day I revealed all that German media reported that European central bank regulatory authorities were going to review deutsche bank’s Chinese and Qatar shareholders information.  
这次爆料引起公众极大的兴趣。就在 7 月 17号同一天德国媒体报 道欧洲央行监管当局将审查德意志银行的中国和卡塔尔股东信息。

Gradually HNA’s mysterious shareholding structure led to failure in various M&A exercise.  There were even news about being prosecuted for providing false information. While the world is watching, all these became the center of attention.
海航的神秘股权结构的爆料逐渐发酵,最终导致海航各种并购活动 失败。海航甚至被报道称因提供虚假信息而可能被起诉的消息。就 这样海航的一切再一次成为全世界关注的焦点。

In the end HNA issued a written statement. In which it stated that it is a private enterprise. So it has no obligation to disclose shareholding structure. However it respected and agreed with the requirement of information transparency.
最终海航被迫发表了书面声明,声称海航是一家私营企业。因此没 有义务对外披露股权结构。但它尊重并同意信息透明度的要求

HNA reluctantly published its shareholding structure.  This is ci Hang foundation owned more than 50% shares.  The remaining 47.5% belonged to 12 natural persons including Chen feng, Wang jian and others.
海航最终非常不情愿地公布了其股权结构。其中慈航基金拥有超过 50%的股份。陈峰,王健等共计 12 人拥有其余的 47.5%的股份。

There were words showed that if any of these shareholders die or leave office.  Their shares would be automatically donated to ci hang foundation. That is to say that Wang jian’s family would not be able to gain a penny from Wang jian’s some 15% shares after his death.
股权协议中还规定了如果这些股东中的任何一方死亡或离职, 他 们持有的股票将自动捐赠给慈航基金。这就意味了王健的家人在其 死后不能从王健拥有的 15%股份中拿到一分一毛.

On this list the mysterious shareholder Guan jun who owned 30% of HNA shares disappeared. it appears that his 600 billion worth of shares was donated to the US Ci hang foundation.  
贯君作为曾经拥有 30%海航股份的一位神秘的股份持有人,他的名字也竟然从这份公开的名单上消失了。与此同时他拥有的价值 6000 亿的股票被捐赠给了美国慈航基金。

Although I can foresee the course of actions adopted by the kleptocrats. When I saw that they were so blantly openly directly transferred the money to the US. I could hardly contain my rage.
虽然我可以预料到盗贼所采取的行动。但当看到他们如此公然将钱 转移到美国的时候。我几乎无法控制自己的愤怒。

Two days after HNA published that news. I illustrated clearly in detail in my live streaming that why would the kleptocrats want to do that?  Also explained that Ci hang foundation was not a foundation engaging in charity works. It is a private foundation.
海航发布该消息两天后。我在直播视频中详细说明了盗窃贼为什么 想要那样做?还解释了慈航基金并不是用于慈善事业的基金,它只 是一个私人家族基金。

I also revealed that the ultimate beneficiary of the foundation is Wang qishan family trust foundation.  

With the publication of HNA’s shareholder structure. And guan jun’s great shift of tens of billions.  The world learnt of how abnormal the way HNA grew their business. How dangerous to enter into business with HNA.  HNA’s business expansion model I repetition of acquisition, mortgage and loan and then acquisition again. Mortgage again and loan again.
在海航股东结构的公布后,贯君这个神秘的股东悄悄转移了数百亿 股份。世界意识到海航发展业务的方式有多么不正常。与海航集团 开展业务有多大风险。海航的业务扩张模式就是重复收购,抵押和 贷款,然后再次收购。抵押贷款再次贷款。

Once there is no more credibility when it lost trust of international market.  Chain of funding will definitely be broken. It is the fact that after I made the revelation about the connection between HNA and wang qishan. HNA’s frantic overseas expansion ground to a halt.
而海航一旦失去了国际市场的信任它就没有了可信度。资金链肯定 会断裂。事实上,在我揭露了海航与王岐山之间的关系后,海航的 海外疯狂扩张就陷入停滞。

The same fate befallen to Wang Qishan during the 19th national congress that he retired from government completely without any positions ( luo tui).   而王岐山也在 19 大以后彻底卸任一切官职。

After Wang qishan’s  luo tui, negative news of HNA slowly came to light. Chain of funding is broken. Significant layoffs, delinquent aviation fuel payment. Rental fee overdue.
王岐山裸退后,海航的负面新闻开始慢慢曝光。资金链断裂,重大 裁员,拖欠航空燃油费,逾期缴纳租金。

All kinds of news came out one after another.   

Ultimately HNA only sell off asset, shares and stocks to cash out. In order to resolve liquidity problem.
最终,海航只能通过出售资产,股权和股票来兑现以解决资金问题 流动。

In January 2018, facing media. Chen feng first time admitted. HNA was confronted with risk because the funding chain was broken. HNA needed to sell off certain relevant assets.  
2018 年 1 月,面向媒体陈峰第一次承认。由于资金链断裂,海航 面临风险,需要出售某些相关资产。

HNA from the frantic past that was to buy and buy buy, Changed nowadays it is to carve pieces for mass selling.

In January 26 HNA sold its office building located in Sydney Australia to blackstone for $250 million Austrian dollars. Between Februarys to march it sold off 3 parcels of land, Hongkong returning $ 22.3 billion Hongkong dollars to the business within a month. In April 24th HNA sold the 26.1% equity in Hilton hotel for $ 5.9 billion.
2018 年 1 月 26 日,海航将其位于澳大利亚悉尼的写字楼以 2.5 亿 澳元出售给黑石公司。在 2 月至 3 月期间,它卖掉了香港 3 块土地 向该公司返还了 223 亿港元。 4 月 24 日,海航以 59 亿美元的价格 出售希尔顿酒店 26.1%的股权。

It also reduced its holding of deutsche bank shares in batches. From the height of 9.92% reduced to 7.9%.
它还将德意志银行股份从 9.92%减持到 7.9%。

It even borrowed from their own employees by sell investment products to them. Even with all these measures, various loan maturity required repayment and high interest rate.
海航甚至通过向他们自己员工出售投资产品来借钱。即使采取了所 有这些措施,海航还是被要求偿还贷款和高额利息。

Still cast a great shadow over HNA. We also witness the kleptocrats taking great pain to protect their own assets.
这一切都成为笼罩着海航的阴影。同时我们还看到盗国贼们竭尽全 力保护自己的资产。

After Wang qishan’s luo tui during the 19th national congress. In the thirteem plenum of the following year. He without any such precedent, was put into the position of the VP.王岐山在第 19 大裸退后,在次年的十三届人大上史无前例又当选 国家副主席。

Simultaneously he used his own power of influence. So that the 8 major banks would rally for HNA showing that they were willing to assist in the development of HNA.
王岐山再次恢复权力影响的同时,更有 8 大银行发声协助海航发展 并提供支持,帮它度过难关。

Senior level in the CCP also showed the attitude that they would lend a hand in rescuing HNA. Even so would that truly be able to revive HNA?

We saw the HNA’s model of expansion. Should we to not ask that where did HNA’s money come from?  We saw Guan jun how easily donated $ 600 billion RMB from china to the US. Should we to not ask that how did they achieve that?
我们看到海航扩张模式的同时,难道不应该问问海航的资金来自哪 里?我们看到贯君如此轻松地将 6000 亿元人民币从中国捐赠到美 国,不应该问问他们是怎么做到的吗?

There are other equally great corporates in china such as wan da and An bang. They met the same problems. Why it was that CCP could be so completely different in their attitudes?
在中国除了海航, 还有像万达和安邦这样大企业,他们遇到了同 样的问题。为什么中共的态度会如此不同?

The answer is if we were just to give them a thought. HNA group frantic expansion and successful career of wang qishan . The concurrency of these two series of events. All these was not a coincidence.
我们想想,海航集团的疯狂扩张和王岐山官场上的成功,看似独立 的两个事件,难道仅仅就是巧合吗?

Just as that my new breaking on Wang qishan and family the HNA group.  Following with the reaction towards HNA group in the international market space. That, was not a coincidence either.  Wang jian being the white gloves (middleman for corruptor) of Wang qishan. Being the forwarding carrier of the assets for the kleptocrats was his death in provence.  Truly just a coincidence?  
我对王岐山家族和海航集团家族爆料之后,国际市场也立刻对海 航集团给出反应, 这也绝不是巧合。王健作为帮助王岐山和背后 的盗国贼向海外转移资产的白手套,他在普罗旺斯的惨死,这真的 是一个巧合吗?

战友之声 2018.11.24




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